St. Patrick's Day Trivia Quiz Question Preview (ID: 61201)

Test Your Knowledge Of St. Patrick's Day With This 10-question Multiple-choice Trivia Game Covering History, Symbols, And Traditions. Fun And Engaging For Enthusiasts Or Anyone Wanting To Learn More! TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What is the meaning of the shamrock, a common symbol of St. Patrick's Day?
a) Faith, hope, and love
b) Power, wealth, and success
c) Luck, love, and friendship
d) Joy, peace, and happiness

What is the name of the mythical creature often associated with St. Patrick's Day?
a) Leprechaun
b) Mermaid
c) Unicorn
d) Dragon

What is the traditional St. Patrick's Day meal?
a) Corned beef and cabbage
b) Shepherd's pie
c) Fish and chips
d) Bangers and mash

What is the name of the Irish dance characterized by rapid leg movements?
a) Jig
b) Tango
c) Salsa
d) Foxtrot

What is the name of the river in Chicago that is dyed green for St. Patrick's Day?
a) Chicago River
b) Ohio River
c) Mississippi River
d) Hudson River

What is the traditional Irish instrument?
a) Harp
b) Bagpipes
c) Fiddle
d) Accordion

What is the symbol associated with St. Patrick's Day?
a) A four-leaf clover
b) A pot of gold
c) A leprechaun
d) All of the choices

What color is most commonly associated with St. Patrick's Day?
a) Green
b) Blue
c) Yellow
d) Red

What date is St. Patrick's Day celebrated on?
a) March 17th
b) March 18th
c) March 16th
d) March 15th

Who is St. Patrick?
a) The patron saint of Ireland
b) A famous Irish singer
c) The first president of Ireland
d) The founder of Guinness beer

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