Lexile 117 Question Preview (ID: 61187)

Comprehension Practice. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

People go to the store. They give money to the cashier. Then they take things home. The people are______
a) shopping
b) helping
c) sleeping
d) jumping

Jason stuck out his lip. I'm sick of hurrying. I hurried all day long. Jason was.....
a) tall
b) tired
c) poor
d) cold

Jeff took her hand and shook it. At first, he couldn't speak. But finally he found his voice. Jeff didn't feel _______ anymore
a) glad
b) angry
c) nervous
d) upset

Some cities have trains. They help people get places fast. People don't have to drive. Trains make things________
a) tiny
b) heavy
c) pretty
d) easy

The first email was sent in 1971. Ray Tomlinson sent it. The Internet was new. Tomlinson _________ email
a) started
b) bought
c) lost
d) heard

Sudden noises can make people jump. People don't expect them. They are________
a) wild
b) surprised
c) proud
d) bored

. It starts to rain. The girl's head starts to get wet. She needs a hat. It will keep her head ______
a) strong
b) dry
c) young
d) busy

First, I get a pot. Next, I add water. I bring the water to a boil. Then, I add rice. I am________
a) resting
b) singing
c) cooking
d) drawing

Many flowers can be eaten. But others cannot. Some can make you sick. It is important to know the difference. You must be_________
a) noisy
b) quiet
c) tired
d) careful

Blueprints are special drawings. They show a whole building. Builders use them. They tell what to do. They let builders plan their work. They _____ builders
a) help
b) catch
c) stop
d) find

Snow covers the ground. Ice hangs from the roof. The pond is frozen over.
a) clean
b) cold
c) green
d) boring

Some places still have drive-ins. You drive your car. You park in a lot. There is a big screen. You sit in your car. You watch the movie on the screen. It is ________ outside
a) read
b) grown
c) watched
d) pulled

There was a contest. Three people biked to the South Pole. The winner was Maria Leijerstam. They_______
a) raced
b) drew
c) flew
d) watched

Apolo liked to skate fast. He was very strong. He won many races. Apollo was a _______ skater
a) noisy
b) good
c) new
d) slow

I wore my brown boots, Jiwon said. The strong ones. It's going to be cold outside. Jiwon's boots make him feel ________
a) ugly
b) tall
c) strange
d) warm

She stayed right by her car. Ricky went running back to the store. Ricky______
a) ate
b) hurried
c) sang
d) slept

The father walks with his daughter. The uncle walks behind them. The mother holds a baby. They are a ______
a) mess
b) class
c) family
d) team

Food can be baked. Food can also be fried. Food can be boiled. There are many ways to _______ food
a) cook
b) waste
c) color
d) find

Vitamin D is in foods. So some people eat it. It is in fish. It is in eggs. It is in milk, too. Drink up! It is _______ to eat
a) harder
b) boring
c) safe
d) funny

Seeds are planted in the spring. Vegetables grow. A few months pass. The vegetables are done growing. People pick them and cook them. They are ready to _______
a) leave
b) eat
c) catch
d) hide

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