Galaxies Question Preview (ID: 61176)

Grades 6-8 Earth Science. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

A ___ is an unbelievably huge clump of stars / solar systems.
a) galaxy
b) universe
c) nebula
d) blackhole

The stars in a galaxy are held together in a clump by ___.
a) gravity
b) a blackhole
c) nuclear fusion
d) electromagnetic radiation

A ___ is a huge cloud of gas and dust where new stars form.
a) nebula
b) galaxy
c) universe
d) solar system

Our solar system is part of the ___.
a) Milky Way Galaxy
b) Andromeda Galaxy
c) Pinwheel Galaxy
d) Sombrero Galaxy

After a galaxy uses up all of its ___, no new stars can form.
a) hydrogen gas
b) helium gas
c) oxygen gas
d) dust

The Milky Way is a ___ type galaxy.
a) spiral
b) elliptical
c) irregular
d) lenticular

Galaxies are classified/grouped based on ___.
a) their shape
b) their size
c) their age
d) how much dust and gas they contain

A ___ galaxy that has a thin, disc shape with curved arms spreading from its center (~pinwheel).
a) spiral
b) elliptical
c) irregular
d) lenticular

A ___ galaxy that has a round or football shape.
a) elliptical
b) spiral
c) irregular
d) lenticular

A ___ galaxy that has an odd or unusual shape.
a) irregular
b) spiral
c) elliptical
d) lenticular

A ___ galaxy has a disc shape - but does NOT have spiral arms.
a) lenticular
b) spiral
c) elliptical
d) irregular

Scientists estimate that the Milky Way contains hundreds of ___ (#) of individual stars.
a) thousands
b) millions
c) billions
d) trillions

The ___ is the bright, round, center part of a spiral galaxy where lots of stars are crowded close together.
a) bulge
b) disc/spiral arms
c) halo
d) nebula

The ___ is the thin, flat outer part of a spiral galaxy where stars are less crowded.
a) disc/spiral arms
b) bulge
c) halo
d) nucleus

The ___ is the far-out, cloud-like part of a spiral galaxy where clusters of stars are scattered very far apart.
a) halo
b) bulge
c) disc/spiral arms
d) nebula

The ___ is the Milky Way Galaxy's closest neighbor (at 2.5 million light years away).
a) Andromeda Galaxy
b) Pinwheel Galaxy
c) Sombrero Galaxy
d) Whirlpool Galaxy

In which part of a spiral galaxy are most new stars born?
a) disc/spiral arms
b) bulge
c) halo
d) nucleus

In which part of many large spiral galaxies can a supermassive blackhole be found?
a) bulge
b) disc/spiral arms
c) halo
d) nebula

Stars in the disc/arms of a spiral galaxy ___.
a) orbit around the center bulge
b) are the oldest stars in the galaxy
c) are more crowded together than the rest of the stars in the galaxy
d) together make more light than the rest of the stars in the galaxy

The ___ is everything that exists - EVERYTHING we know.
a) Universe
b) Milky Way Galaxy
c) Local Group
d) Virgo Supercluster

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