Ramp Assessment Review Question Preview (ID: 61166)

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The value of the digit 4 in 2,489 is how many the times the value of 4 in 8,124?
a) 100
b) 400
c) 40
d) 10

Which of the following statements is correct?
a) The value of the digit 7 in 6.178 is 10 times the value of the digit 7 in 4.714
b) The value of the digit 7 in 8.789 is 1/10 of the value of the 7 digit in 27.856
c) The digit 7 in 0.071 has the same value as the digit 7 in 0.711
d) The value of the digit 7 in 7.654 is 10 times the value of the digit 7 in 17.103

What is three hundred five thousandths written in standard decimal form?
a) 0.35
b) 300.05
c) 300.005
d) 0.305

What is the number forty- two thousandths in expanded form?
a) (4 x 1/10) + (2 x 1/1000)
b) (4 x 1) + (2 x 1/1000)
c) (4 x 1/100) + (2 x 1/1000)
d) (4 x 100) + (2 X 1/1000)

What is this number in word form? (3 x 10) + (2 x 1/10) + (4 x 1/100) + (5 x 1/1000)
a) Thirty-two and forty-five thousandths
b) Thirty and two hundred forty-five thousandths
c) Thirty and two hundred fifty-four thousandths
d) Three and two hundred forty-five thousandths

Which expression has a product of 10,197
a) 990 x 103
b) 99 x 103
c) 9 x 1003
d) 990 x 13

Which group of numbers is shown in order from least to greatest?
a) 2.435, 2.452, 2.503
b) 4.789, 4.791, 3.947
c) 5.6, 5.57, 5.598
d) 7.108, 7.086, 7.03

What is 476.536 rounded to the nearest hundredth?
a) 476.53
b) 476.57
c) 476.54
d) 500

Round 87.999 to the nearest whole number.
a) 78
b) 88
c) 90
d) 100

What is the product of 327 x 412?
a) 134,724
b) 13,474
c) 124,624
d) 134,686

Complete the equation to make it true. 3106 x 25 =
a) 2,212
b) 77,650
c) 7,900
d) 77,623

What is the quotient of 3,369÷27? (some answer choices are in mixed number form)
a) 125
b) 124 1/27
c) 124 12/27
d) 124 21/27

What is the quotient of 23,458÷7? (some answer choices are in mixed number form)
a) 3,351 1/7
b) 3,350
c) 3,351 2/7
d) 3,351

Find the sum. 34.128 +5.8
a) 34.186
b) 39.236
c) 39.928
d) 92.128

Find the difference. 25.12 - 8.365
a) 16.755
b) 17.865
c) 17.755
d) 16.765

What would be a reasonable estimate for the quotient 27÷0.48?
a) About 14
b) A little less than 54
c) About 13
d) A little more than 54

What is the sum of 3/4 + 9/16?
a) 12/20
b) 12/4
c) 9/8
d) 21/16

What is the difference? 3 1/5 - 8/3
a) 8/15
b) 3 8/15
c) 13/15
d) 5 13/15

What is the missing number? 3/10 - ? = 19/20
a) 8/20
b) 22/20
c) 13/20
d) 16/10

What is the value of 9 divided by 1/7?
a) 91/7
b) 16
c) 9/7
d) 63

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