Solar System Question Preview (ID: 61162)

Questions About The Planets In Our Solar System. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Planet that is characterized by its blue color
a) Neptune
b) Mercury
c) Jupiter
d) Mars

The surface of this planet appears red due to rusting iron in rocks
a) Mars
b) Mercury
c) Venus
d) Jupiter

What force keeps the planets orbiting the sun?
a) Gravity
b) Magnetism
c) Electricity

The order of the planets is:
a) Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, NeptuneWhich of the following orbits the sun?
b) Mars, Venus, Earth, Mercury, Saturn, Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune
c) Earth, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Neptune, Mercury, Saturn, Uranus

Which of the following orbits the sun?
a) all
b) asteroids
c) comets
d) planets

Which planet has the longest year?
a) Neptune
b) Mercury
c) Jupiter
d) Venus

Which planet has the shortest year?
a) Mercury
b) Neptune
c) Mars
d) Earth

Inner planets with a hard rocky surface are referred to as...
a) Terrestrial Planets
b) Gas Giants

Which planet is the largest in the solar system?
a) Jupiter
b) Saturn
c) Uranus
d) Neptune

Which planet is the hottest
a) Venus
b) Mercury
c) Mars
d) Earth

which planet is Earth's sister planet?
a) Venus
b) Mars
c) Mercury
d) Jupiter

Most likely due to a massive collision, this planet rotates from top to bottom
a) Uranus
b) Neptune
c) Jupiter
d) Saturn

Gas giant that has a large storm in its atmosphere known as the Red Spot
a) Jupiter
b) Neptune
c) Uranus
d) Saturn

This is the smallest planet in the solar system
a) Mercury
b) Venus
c) Mars
d) Earth

The only planet known to have life is
a) Earth
b) Venus
c) Mars
d) Jupiter

The outer planets are also referred to as the....
a) Gas Giants
b) Terrestrial Planets

Planet known for its stunning icy and rocky rings
a) Saturn
b) Mars
c) Mercury
d) Earth

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