Ivan Test Review Question Preview (ID: 61153)

One And Only Ivan Test Prep. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Who is Mack?
a) The janitor at the mall
b) The boss at the big top mall
c) Ivan's Vet
d) A zookeeper

Where is Bob's favorite sleeping place?
a) Under the bleachers
b) next to the trash cans
c) On Ivan's Belly
d) in the washroom

What does Ivan promise to Stella just before she dies?
a) To keep his cage clean
b) to never stop painting
c) to keep an eye on Bob
d) to take care of Ruby

How does Stella die?
a) She gets a rare disease that no one knows how to treat
b) she dies of old age
c) her foot becomes infected
d) she starves

Who was pulled out of a well by humans?
a) Ivan
b) Bob
c) Stella
d) Ruby

Why is George hesitant to put Ivan's painting on the billboard?
a) Mack will fire him
b) the ladder might break
c) the paintings are not very well done
d) The glue is smelly

What does Maya use to get Ruby and Ivan to go inside their boxes?
a) food
b) a leash
c) a stick
d) a soft speaking voice

Who plays tag with Ivan near the end of the story?
a) Bob
b) Maya
c) Kinyani
d) Ruby

Who adopts Bob at the end of the Story?
a) Mack
b) The owner of a circus
c) Maya
d) George and Julia

How does Ivan get Julia's attention when she goes to leave in ANGRY
a) he starts painting
b) he beats his chest
c) he throws his body at the cage door until it breaks open
d) he throws food at her through the hole in his domain

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