U.S. History - Unit 10 (SSUSH20c) Question Preview (ID: 61149)

The Influence Of Sputnik I. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Which nation launched Sputnik I?
a) the Soviet Union
b) the United States
c) China
d) Japan

Sputnik I was:
a) a Soviet satellite
b) an American satellite
c) a Soviet space shuttle
d) an American space shuttle

Before the launch of Sputnik I, the U.S.:
a) was aware of the satellite
b) was unaware of the satellite
c) ###
d) ####

How did Americans respond to the launch of Sputnik I?
a) There was public outcry over the launch.
b) Americans were happy with the launch.
c) ###
d) ####

After the launch of Sputnik I:
a) funding increased for math and science education
b) funding decreased for math and science education
c) ###
d) ####

Which American agency was created to handle the Space Race?
b) The Office of Naval Intelligence
c) The United States Air Force

How did engineers and scientists react to the launch of Sputnik I?
a) They were inspired to develop new technology.
b) They switched to fields that did not involve technology.
c) ###
d) ####

During the late 1950s, many Americans were convinced that:
a) the Soviet Union had superior missile technology
b) the U.S. had superior missile technology
c) ###
d) ####

Which U.S. president is known for 'domino theory?'
a) Dwight D. Eisenhower
b) Franklin D. Roosevelt
c) Harry S. Truman
d) Lyndon B. Johnson

Dwight D. Eisenhower claimed that any attack against the U.S. would be met with:
a) massive retalitation
b) mutually assured destruction
c) ###
d) ####

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