Kudzu Question Preview (ID: 61144)

The Invasive Plant. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

The Kudzu Plant is a native plant of the U.S.A.?
a) true
b) false

Kudzu grows out of control quickly
a) true
b) false

An invasive plant as fast-growing as kudzu outcompetes everything from native grasses to fully mature trees by shading them from the
a) Houses
b) Sunlight
c) Water
d) Insects

Because of the fast growing Kudzu Plant the loss of native plants harms other __________
a) plants
b) insects
c) animals
d) all of the above

Kudzu plants can be eaten
a) true
b) false

The Kudzu Plant is also known as
a) the voodoo plant
b) the green plant
c) the mile a minute plant
d) non of the above

kudzu is quite a killer, overtaking and growing over anything in its path.
a) true
b) false

Kudzu is native to Japan and southeast China. It was first introduced to the United States in the year
a) 1920
b) 1876
c) 1801
d) 1971

The Kudzu Plant is an
a) invasive plant
b) non invasive plant

Kudzu looks innocent enough yet the invasive plant easily overtakes
a) trees
b) homes
c) telephone poles
d) all of the above

The Kudzu Plant grows
a) 3 foot a day
b) up to a foot a day
c) an inch a day
d) 5 feet a day

What is needed to see an object?
a) eye, light
b) light, eye, object
c) light, line of sight
d) light, line of sight, object, eye

To see an object, light must shine on the object first then the light reflects to the eye.
a) true
b) false

Which statement describes the main energy transformation that occurs when a brown pelican tucks its wings and plunge-dives into the ocean?
a) potential energy is transformed into kinetic energy
b) chemical energy is transformed into kinetic energy
c) thermal energy is transformed into chemical energy
d) radiant energy is transformed into mechanical energy

Which statement is true?
a) The fish that live close to the water's surface swim faster than fish living far below the oceans surface.
b) Pelicans reach fish close to water's surface more easily than they reach fish living far below the water's surface.

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