Waves Review 2023 Question Preview (ID: 61136)

Review Of Properties Of Waves And Behavior Of Light. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Why do we see objects as black?
a) They reflect all the visible light
b) They absorb some light and reflect others.
c) Black light is absorbed.
d) They absorb all the visible light

Which of the following statements best illustrates the concept that waves carry energy from one place to another?
a) Ocean waves may cause boats to tip over.
b) Sunlight heats the surface of the earth.
c) Seismic waves cause earthquake damage.
d) All of the Choices are Correct.

Mirrors are ____________________ and lenses are _________________.
a) opaque, translucent
b) opaque, transparent
c) transparent, opaque
d) translucent, transparent

What part of the electromagnetic spectrum can be seen by humans?
a) visible light
b) microwaves
c) infrared
d) ultraviolet

Which type of electromagnetic wave has the greatest frequency?
a) radio waves
b) infrared
c) gamma rays
d) microwaves

Which type of electromagnetic energy has a shorter wavelength than ultraviolet waves?
a) visible light
b) microwaves
c) x rays
d) infrared

Which feature best distinguishes one form of electromagnetic energy from another?
a) color
b) wavelength
c) surface temperature
d) distance traveled

Which property of light causes a rainbow to form?
a) refraction
b) reflection
c) absorption
d) diffraction

Sound waves cannot travel through outer space because ___________________________________________.
a) they are electromagnetic waves
b) the gas molecules in space are too far apart
c) they cannot travel through the cold of outer space.
d) there is no one to hear it

A sound wave is produced when an object _______________________.
a) goes faster
b) slows down
c) vibrates
d) produces light

As the wavelength of a wave increases, its frequency ____________.
a) decreases
b) increases
c) does not change
d) decreases, then increases.

The ____________________ of a wave is how many wavelengths pass a certain point each second.
a) amplitude
b) compression speed
c) velocity
d) frequency

The matter through which a mechanical wave travels is called a ____________________.
a) wavelength
b) medium
c) frequency
d) conductor

As the wavelength of a wave increases, its energy _______________.
a) increases
b) decreases
c) does not change.
d) increases, then decreases.

When light can freely pass through a medium, the material is said to be
a) transparent
b) translucent
c) opaque
d) none of the choices are correct

You see the image of trees on the surface of a calm lake. The image was created by light being
a) absorbed.
b) reflected.
c) refracted.
d) transmitted

Waves that use matter to transfer energy are called __________________.
a) electromagnetic
b) mass
c) mechanical
d) medium

What type of waves do not require matter to carry energy?
a) ocean
b) electromagnetic
c) mechanical
d) all choices are correct

Which of the following statements is false?
a) Waves have mass.
b) Some waves can travel through empty space (a vacuum).)
c) Waves are traveling energy.
d) Waves can move through most materials.

We saw a demo of a pencil sitting in a glass of water. When viewed from the side, the pencil appears to be broken. What process causes this to happen?
a) absorption
b) reflection
c) evaporation
d) refraction

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