Lit Terms #1 Question Preview (ID: 61104)

Literary Terms. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Type of Irony where the unexpected happens
a) situational irony
b) dramatic irony
c) verbal irony
d) ironic irony

Type of character that opposes the main character
a) protagonist
b) antagonist
c) dynamic
d) static

A comparison between two things
a) hyperbole
b) simile
c) metaphor
d) personification

Description using the five senses
a) tone
b) allusion
c) setting
d) imagery

A reference to another literary work
a) allusion
b) alliteration
c) dramatic irony
d) apostrophe

A speech given by a character who is alone on stage
a) aside
b) soliloquy
c) monologue
d) boring

Excessive pride that brings down a hero
a) analogy
b) tragic flaw
c) red herring
d) hubris

A hint of what is to come later in the story
a) foreshadow
b) flashback
c) tone
d) mood

A sound spelled out
a) pun
b) rhetorical device
c) onomatopoeia
d) allegory

a symbol that stays the same in all time periods and cultures
a) theme
b) motif
c) symbolism
d) archetype

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