Animal Behavior Lesson 6 Question Preview (ID: 61061)

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Learning is defined as ______________.
a) Any behavior emitted by an organism without being elicited
b) A relatively permanent change in the behavior of an organism due to experience
c) A change in the behavior of the organism
d) Behavior based on operant rather than respondent conditioning

The conditioned stimulus (CS):
a) is the response to the US.
b) triggers an unconditioned response reflexively or automatically when the CR happens.
c) is originally the neutral stimulus that gains the power to cause the CR.
d) is what triggers the US to occur.

A dog being conditioned to salivate (drool) when a bell is rung is an example of which type of conditioning?
a) Classical
b) Operant

A person being conditioned to flinch/jump when hearing the word flush when in the shower is an example of which type of conditioning?
a) Classical
b) Operant

Who is the scientist that is often credited for their research on classical conditioning?
a) Mrs. DeWitt
b) B.F. Skinner
c) Ivan Pavlov
d) Marie Curie

Who is the scientist that is often credited for their research on operant conditioning?
a) Mrs. DeWitt
b) B.F Skinner
c) Ivan Pavlov
d) Marie Curie

Which is true of the unconditioned response?
a) It is the unlearned, naturally occurring response to the unconditioned stimulus (US)
b) It is a stimulus that unconditionally- naturally and automatically-triggers a response
c) It is the learned response to a previously neutral (but now conditioned) stimulus (CS)
d) It is an originally irrelevant stimulus that comes to trigger a conditioned response

Which is true of the unconditioned stimulus?
a) It is an originally irrelevant stimulus that comes to trigger a conditioned response
b) It is the learned response to a previously neutral (but now conditioned) stimulus (CS)
c) It is a stimulus that unconditionally- naturally and automatically-triggers a response
d) It is the unlearned, naturally occurring response to the unconditioned stimulus (US)

Which is true of the conditioned stimulus?
a) It is an originally irrelevant stimulus that comes to trigger a conditioned response
b) It is the learned response to a previously neutral (but now conditioned) stimulus (CS)
c) It is a stimulus that unconditionally- naturally and automatically-triggers a response
d) It is the unlearned, naturally occurring response to the unconditioned stimulus (US)

A daughter increasing the frequencies of her tantrums due to her mother consistently providing her candy to pacify her is an example of which type of learning?
a) Operant
b) Classical

According to operant conditioning, the frequency will increase if the consequence is NOT reinforcing to the subject.
a) True
b) False

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