U.S. History - Unit 9 (SSUSH19c) Question Preview (ID: 61056)

The European Theater. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What became the supply depot for the Allied Powers during World War II in Europe?
a) the British Isles
b) Iceland
c) France
d) northern Africa

Which resource became a huge problem for the Allies... who depended on mobile warfare?
a) gasoline
b) water
c) coal
d) silver

How did the U.S. get supplies to the Soviet Union... from the Lend-Lease Act?
a) around Scandinavia and around southern Africa
b) through the middle of Europe
c) the Mediterranean Sea and the Black Sea
d) road that went through China and Mongolia

The Allied invasion of Normandy was nicknamed:
a) D-Day
b) V-E Day
c) V-J Day
d) the Manhattan Project

D-Day was the code name for:
a) Operation Overlord
b) the Battle of Berlin
c) the Lend-Lease Act
d) the Manhattan Project

How did the Germans react to the D-Day invasion?
a) They were caught by surprise.
b) They were ready for the battle.
c) ###
d) ####

The invasion of Normandy was a huge victory for:
a) the Allied Powers
b) the Axis Powers
c) ###
d) ####

The Battle of Berlin was mainly fought between:
a) the Soviets and the Germans
b) the Americans and the Germans
c) the British and the Germans
d) the French and the Germans

Adolf Hitler and many of his supporters committed suicide...
a) during the Battle of Berlin
b) on D-Day
c) before the Battle of Berlin
d) a few months after the Battle of Berlin

What was the nickname of the German surrender in World War II?
a) V-E Day
b) V-J Day
c) D-Day
d) ####

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