US Feb Test Question Preview (ID: 61014)

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The spoils system was put in place after Jackson was elected. What was it?
a) He gave federal jobs to his friends
b) He gave his kids too much and they turned out bad
c) People becoming more involved in politics
d) It ended government corruption

One result of the Battle of New Orleans was that it...
a) ended slavery in the west
b) increased manufacturing
c) eliminated the French threat in the US
d) made Andrew Jackson famous as a military hero

A result of the election of Andrew Jackson was that it did what?
a) caused taxes to rise
b) eliminated the spoils system
c) increased voter participation
d) ratified the 15th amendment

What is one of the earliest things associated with the democratic party?
a) election of Andrew Jackson as president
b) use of protective tariffs
c) impeachment of Andrew Johnson
d) the abolition movement

The Monroe Doctrine was important for what reason?
a) it strengthened political alliances with European alllies
b) prevented European expansion into the western hemisphere
c) it addressed European competition for natural resources
d) to increase US military readiness for European expansion

What was the problem with the Nullification Crisis of 1832?
a) it decided if the federal government could regulate interstate trade
b) the federal government wanted to regulate a federal agency
c) it caused states to pass tariffs on trade
d) it caused states to think they could overturn a federal law, states rights

The idea of Manifest Destiny was achieved after what occured?
a) Louisiana Purchase
b) the War of 1812
c) the Oregon Treaty
d) Texas annexation

How did the War of 1812 affect the US economy?
a) increased tariffs
b) agricultural imports increased
c) increased manufactured imports from Britain
d) increasing manufacturing in the US

The Constitutional right to assemble(1st Amendment) does what to help our society?
a) it allows people to have a voice in creating a better government
b) due process laws are guaranteed by the 5th amendment
c) individual protections are guaranteed by the 14th amendment
d) freedom of press helps the government respond to public opinion

The US acquired what land from Spain in 1819?
a) Oregon Territory
b) Mexican Cession
c) Texas
d) Florida

Why were the Indians moved from the southern parts of the United States?
a) to punish them for the War of 1812
b) the gain the valuable farm land
c) to persuade the Indians to become farmers
d) to help spread US culture

What did President Jackson do after the Supreme Court ruled the Cherokee Indians had a right to their land in Georgia?
a) ignored the ruling and forced the Indians out (Trail of Tears)
b) introduced a new bill in congress to move the Cherokees
c) accepted the ruling and told farmers to move further west
d) we bought the Louisiana Territory to spread westward

The Era of Good Feelings after the War of 1812 was characterized by what?
a) The US ceded territory to Canada to avoid war
b) Battles between church groups
c) a renewed sense of nationalism
d) the government was restructured

What was a major cause of the Mexican American War?
a) election of Jackson
b) California Gold Rush
c) border dispute in the Oregon Territory
d) annexation of Texas

What was Jackson's position on S Carolina's claim that they could nullify the Tariff of 1828?
a) he agreed with them
b) No state had the right to ignore federal law
c) the constitution did not apply to state laws
d) they needed congress to pass a treaty to nullify laws

How did the Supreme Court decision in Worcester vs Georgia affect the Indians?
a) the state was given authority over the indians
b) the state told the farmers to move westward for new land
c) the state ignored the ruling and removed the indians
d) reservation policies were overturned

Marbury vs Madison supreme court case established what?
a) judicial review of laws
b) freed the slaves
c) gave women the right to vote
d) took away land ownership as a condition to vote

Louisiana Purchase happened in what year?
a) 1780
b) 1812
c) 1776
d) 1803

What year was Texas annexed?
a) 1845
b) 1853
c) 1803
d) 1861

What was the Mexican Cession?
a) when Mexico agreed to the border of Texas
b) land the US bought after the Mexican American War, included California
c) the land we got after the War of 1812
d) when we purchased Florida from Mexico

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