Plate Tectonics Question Preview (ID: 61008)

This Covers An Introduction To Plate Tectonics. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What is any trace of an organism preserved in rock?
a) landform
b) fossil
c) continent
d) landmass

What is Pangaea?
a) The name of a German scientist
b) The name of a supercontinent that existed millions of years ago
c) Another name for continental drift
d) The name of an ancient fossil

Wegener's hypothesis of continental drift stated that...
a) Earth's surface is made up of seven continents.
b) the continents do not move.
c) Earth is slowly cooling and shrinking.
d) the continents were once joined together in a supercontinent.

What technology was used by geologists in the mid-1900s to map the ocean floor?
a) satellites
b) submarines
c) deep-sea diving
d) sonar

Where does molten material rise and erupt in sea-floor spreading?
a) Along the edges of continents
b) Along mid-ocean ridges
c) In deep-ocean trenches
d) At the north and south poles

Why is old oceanic crust more dense than new oceanic crust?
a) It is hotter
b) It is moving toward a deep-ocean trench
c) It is cooler
d) It is closer to a mid-ocean ridge.

What do geologists think causes the movement of Earth's plates?
a) conduction
b) earthquakes
c) convection currents in the mantle
d) Earth's magnetic field

What is the geological theory that Earth's lithosphere is broken into sections called plates which are in slow, constant motion driven by convection currents in the mantle?
a) subduction
b) deep-ocean trenches
c) plate tectonics
d) sea-floor spreading

Where do two plates slide past each other in opposite directions?
a) transform boundary
b) convergent boundary
c) divergent boundary
d) rift valley

What feature can develop when two pieces of continental crust converge?
a) mid-ocean ridge
b) rift valley
c) deep-ocean trench
d) mountain range

What was the name of Alfred Wegener's hypothesis that the Earth's continents slowly move?
a) continental drift
b) continental movement
c) oceanic drift
d) continental displacement

What process continually adds new crust to the ocean floor on either side of a mid-ocean ridge?
a) subduction
b) volcanic eruptions
c) earthquakes
d) sea-floor spreading

Where does subduction occur?
a) Deep-ocean trenches
b) Mid-ocean ridges
c) Mountain ranges
d) Near the center of an ocean

What are the sections of Earth's lithosphere called?
a) Lithospheric sections
b) Lithospheric pieces
c) Plates
d) Continental drift

A divergent boundary on land results in a...
a) rift valley
b) mid-ocean ridge
c) deep-ocean trench
d) mountain range

When subduction occurs more rapidly than sea-floor spreading in an ocean, what happens to the ocean?
a) It shrinks.
b) It expands.
c) It heats up.
d) It cools down.

The newest oceanic crust is found...
a) far from mid-ocean ridges.
b) close to mid-ocean ridges.
c) near mountain ranges.
d) near deep-ocean trenches.

What forms the longest mountain chains on Earth?
a) The Rockies
b) The Andes
c) mid-ocean ridges
d) The Himalayas

What kind of boundary is characterized by plates slipping past each other in opposite directions?
a) Divergent boundary
b) Transform boundary
c) Convergent boundary
d) Rift valley

What process involves oceanic crust bending downward and being recycled into the mantle?
a) Sea-floor spreading
b) Volcanic eruptions
c) Subduction
d) Earthquakes

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