U.S. History - Unit 8 BLITZ Question Preview (ID: 60992)

Unit 8 BLITZ. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

The Modernist Movement marked the beginning in a major change in American:
a) art
b) literature
c) music
d) dance

Socialist ideas were commonly found in the labor union known as:
a) the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW)
b) the American Federation of Labor (AFL)
c) the Committee of Industrial Organization (CIO)
d) ####

What were Hoovervilles?
a) encampments where homeless families lived
b) industries that supplied many jobs to unemployed Americans
c) relief programs to slow down the effects of the Great Depression
d) nicknames for towns that were unaffected by the Dust Bowl

Prohibition occurred due to __________... while women got the right to vote with __________.
a) the 18th Amendment; the 19th Amendment
b) the 18th Amendment; the 21st Amendment
c) the 19th Amendment; the 21st Amendment
d) the 21st Amendment; the 22nd Amendment

Which concept began during the 1920s that focused on nationwide campaigns on the radio, in magazines, and in movies?
a) advertising
b) the rise of labor unions
c) the Second Great Awakening
d) socialism

Due to innovations such as automobiles and household appliances, the 1920s was a time of:
a) increased consumer buying
b) complacency for scientists
c) a slowdown in the U.S. economy
d) great political upheaval

The Harlem Renaissance was the first significant artistic movement out of:
a) African-American culture
b) British culture
c) Native American culture
d) the culture of the South

Overfarming and climate were two major factors that led to:
a) the Dust Bowl
b) the 1929 Stock Market Crash
c) the creation of Hoovervilles
d) the Great Depression

During the 1920s, the radio and movies had a unifying force on:
a) national culture
b) capitalism
c) the Red Scare
d) the federal government

Which philosopher developed the ideas behind communism?
a) Karl Marx
b) Vladimir Lenin
c) Herbert Hoover
d) Henry Ford

The Red Scare led to...
a) tighter restrictions being placed on immigration
b) an expansion of the Socialist Party of America
c) an increase in immigration
d) many socialists being elected to political offices

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