Quiz 14- Nine, Ten, Hundred Question Preview (ID: 60990)

Non/nov, Deci/deca, Cent. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

a length equal to 1/100 meter; ten millimeters
a) centurion
b) centimeter
c) centigrade
d) century

a period of 10 years
a) decimal
b) decimeter
c) century
d) decade

one part in a hundred; an amount that is equal to one one-hundredth of something
a) percent
b) centigrade
c) centurion
d) century

a nine-sided polygon
a) November
b) decimeter
c) nonagon
d) centigrade

based on the number 10
a) decimal
b) decade
c) decimeter
d) percent

relating to the temperature scale in which the boiling point of water is at 100 degree and the freezing point of water is at 0 agrees
a) percent
b) centimeter
c) century
d) centigrade

the eleventh month of the year; formerly the ninth
a) nonagon
b) November
c) October
d) decimal

an officer in the ancient Roman army. which originally had one hundred men
a) century
b) centimeter
c) centurion
d) percent

one tenth of a meter; ten centimeters
a) decimeter
b) decade
c) decimal
d) centimeter

a period of 100 years
a) decade
b) decimal
c) century
d) centigrade

a) hundred
b) nine
c) ten

a) hundred
b) ten
c) nine

a) nine
b) ten
c) hundred

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