Safety-Care Chapter 1 Review Question Preview (ID: 60972)

Safety Care Chapter 1 Review. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What are Desirable Behaviors?
a) Any kind of behavior
b) A reward
c) Behaviors we would like to teach and encourage
d) Reasonable behaviors

What are Challenging Behaviors?
a) Behaviors that cause confusion
b) Behaviors that are dangerous or interfere with learning and functioning
c) Neutral behaviors
d) Any kind of behavior

True or False: Swearing is a type of dangerous behavior
a) True
b) False

What is the order of the behavioral model?
a) Outcome - Behavior - Trigger
b) Consequence - Antecedent - Trigger
c) Behavior - Antecedent - Consequence
d) Antecedent - Behavior - Consequence

Which of these is NOT how you would identify reinforcers?
a) Ask the person
b) Give everyone the same reinforcer
c) Observe what the person does and likes
d) Offer choices and see how the person responds

Which of the following is the behavior in the sequence?: Peer is yelling - Sam threatens peer - Staff move peer away
a) Peer is yelling
b) Sam threatens peer
c) Staff move peer away
d) All of the above

True or False: We may get into a Behavior Trap when we reinforce challenging behavior by trying to stop it quickly.
a) True
b) False

True or False: Safety-Care is used from most restrictive to least restrictive practices
a) True
b) False

True or False: Conditions or diagnses do not determine if someone will exhibit challenging behavior
a) True
b) False

What is a Reinforcement?
a) When a consquence strengthens the behavior it follows
b) The behavior being exhibited
c) Lots of fun
d) A and B

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