Cell Theory And Pro/Eu Cells Question Preview (ID: 60966)

Cell Theory. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

In a eukaryotic cell, where is the DNA located?
a) in the cell membrane
b) There is no DNA
c) In the nucleus
d) In the cell wall

in a prokaryotic cell, where is the DNA located?
a) in the cell membrane
b) There is no DNA
c) In the nucleus
d) Floating in the cytoplasm

How did robert Hook contribute to the cell theory?
a) Gave cells the name
b) Invented cells
c) invented the telescope
d) Found that all animals have cells

what do Eukaryotic cells have the Prokaryotic cells DON'T have?
a) A Nucleus and membrane bound organelles
b) Cytoplasm
c) Cell wall and cell membrane
d) DNA

Eukaryotic cells are found in
a) Plants, animals,fungi,protist
b) bacteria and archaea
c) plankton only
d) bacteria only

Prokaryotic cells are found in
a) Plants, animals,fungi,protist
b) bacteria and archaea
c) Plankton only
d) bacteria only

What did Anton van Leeuwenhoek do to contribute to the cell theory?
a) Named the cells
b) proposed that new cells are formed only from cells that already exist
c) concluded that all animals are made of cells
d) made a simple microscope and was the first that observed living cells specifically in pond water and blood

What did Theodor Schwann do to contribute to the cell theory?
a) Named the cells
b) made a simple microscope and was the first that observed living cells specifically in pond water and blood
c) concluded that all animals are made of cells
d) Invented the telescope

What did Rudolf virchow do to contribute to the cell theory?
a) Named the cells
b) made a simple microscope and was the first that observed living cells specifically in pond water and blood
c) concluded that all animals are made of cells
d) proposed that new cells are formed only from cells that already exist

What did Matthias Schleiden do to contribute to the cell theory?
a) Concluded that all plants are made of cells
b) Named the cells
c) Invented the microscope
d) proposed that new cells are formed only from cells that already exist

What is the correct order for most simple to most complex
a) Atoms, cells,molecules, organelles, tissue,organ, organ system, organism, population
b) Atoms, molecules, organelles, cells,tissue,organ, organ system, organism, population
c) Cells, organelles, atoms, molecules,tissue,organ, organ system, organism, population
d) Cells, Atoms,organelles, molecules,tissue,organ, organ system, organism, population

What is an Organelle?
a) The jelly -like fluid that holds the pieces in a cell together
b) The DNA
c) a layer that covers a cell's surface and acts as a barrier between the inside and outside of a cell
d) Its like an organ in a cell's cytoplasm that is specialized to perform a specific function (job)

What is a scientific theory?
a) a hypothesis or a guess.
b) an explanation of WHY things happen. It must be proven by many experiments and can be changed as new information is learned.
c) A statement that describes WHAT scientists expect to happen every time under a particular set of conditions
d) Something that is voted on by the citizens of an area

What is a scientific law?
a) a hypothesis or a guess.
b) an explanation of WHY things happen. It must be proven by many experiments and can be changed as new information is learned.
c) A statement that describes WHAT scientists expect to happen every time under a particular set of conditions
d) Something that is voted on by the citizens of an area

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