Similes Question Preview (ID: 60965)

Read Each Sentence And Choose The Correct Meaning For The Simile. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Mrs. Colgan is as proud as a peacock because she won an award at the assembly. What does the simile proud as a peacock mean?
a) Having a high opinion of oneself.
b) Having a negative opinion of oneself.
c) Wanting to wear colorful clothing with feathers.
d) Feeling uneasy about the attention.

Mrs. Hollingsworth may scare some students, but she is as gentle as a lamb.
a) Mrs. Hollingsworth's hair is soft like a lamb's wool coat.
b) Mrs. Hollingsworth as scary to students as a wolf is to lambs.
c) Mrs. Hollingsworth is nice.
d) Mrs. Hollingsworth likes to scare students but pretend that someone else did it.

Mr. Rulon's towel smelled as fresh as a daisy after it was washed.
a) It smelled exactly like flowers.
b) It smelled like a the gym cleaner.
c) It still smelled a little bit like potting soil.
d) It smelled clean again.

Mrs. Pattie was as busy as a bee grading the papers when we came back from specials. What does the simile busy as a bee mean?
a) Mrs. Pattie had just finished working.
b) Mrs. Pattie was working hard.
c) Mrs. Pattie was mumbling while she was working.
d) Mrs. Pattie eating toast with honey.

Mrs. Nordstrom's hands were as cold as ice when she touched my forehead to check my fever. What does the simile as cold as ice mean?
a) Really cold to the touch.
b) Her touch was hard and it hurt my head.
c) My forehead wasn't hot enough to have a temperature.
d) She was mad at me and was acting mad when she touched my head.

When it comes to solving complicated problems, Mrs. Bailey is as clever as a fox. What does the simile clever as a fox mean?
a) Runs away as quick as a fox to keep from answering.
b) Not very smart because foxes aren't smart.
c) Sneaky about making up answers that may not be right.
d) Is smart and able to solve the problem.

Mrs. Rebello is as blind as a bat from looking at her laptop screen all day long.
a) She can only see at night.
b) She can see very well.
c) She has to see an eye doctor soon.
d) She can't see very well.

Mrs. Deleon jumped like a frog onto her desk when she saw the mouse in the corner. What does the simile jumped like a frog mean?
a) She got down on her hands and knees and jumped.
b) She croaked while jumping.
c) She used both legs at once.
d) She jumped quickly as if she had much practice jumping.

Mrs. Williams can swim like a fish at the community center pool. What does the simile swim like a fish mean?
a) Swims easily and comfortably in the water.
b) She doesn't use her arms and she kicks her feet like a tail.
c) She never has to come up for air because she can breath underwater.
d) She swims at the bottom of the pool instead of the top of the pool.

Ms. Hillary has eyes like a hawk in the cafeteria when she looks for kids dropping trash on the floor. What does the simile eyes like a hawk mean?
a) Can only see well if in the air.
b) Can see very well and notice things happening even with a lot going on.
c) Can't see details well with everything going on.
d) Can't see very far.

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