Idioms Question Preview (ID: 60962)

Read The Following Idioms And Choose The Correct Meaning Of The Idiom. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

The bell rang just as it was my turn to share my project. That bell let me off of the hook! What does let me off of the hook mean?
a) To not hold someone responsible for something.
b) To make someone go fishing.
c) To make someone do something they don't want to do.
d) To do homework.

So many things went wrong for me this morning, but to make a long story short let's just say that there was no way I could be to work on time. What does to make a long story short mean?
a) To tell something briefly
b) To take your time and give many details.
c) To lie to someone about something.
d) To read a story to someone.

It's not rocket science to play basketball. You just need to put the ball through the basket. What does it's not rocket science mean?
a) You have to think really hard about it.
b) You don't need to make the basketball fly as high as rockets.
c) Rockets shouldn't go into the basket.
d) It isn't complicated.

It was close to midnight when dad came in and told me and my friend to hit the sack. What does hit the stack mean?
a) Start picking up toys and put them in the bags.
b) Beat the dust out of the sleeping bags.
c) Help bring grocery bags in.
d) Go to bed.

The gym teacher yelled at the kids to hang in there when running the mile because they were looking tired. What does hang in there mean?
a) Don't give up.
b) Take a break.
c) Hang up your running shoes and quit.
d) Do chin ups instead of run.

When Julie's tower fell down she said she had better get back to the drawing board. What does get back to the drawing board mean?
a) To quit because the task is too hard.
b) To draw out the project instead of build the project.
c) To let someone else build the project.
d) To start over and make changes.

My teacher told me to get my act together or I would be going to the recovery room. What does get your act together mean?
a) Do what you are supposed to be doing.
b) Try out to be in the school play.
c) Tape your homework together after it was torn.
d) Don't follow the teacher's directions.

I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt when you say that your homework is at your dad's house and let you turn it in tomorrow. What does benefit of the doubt mean?
a) To know that someone is lying to you.
b) To trust what someone says.
c) To ask if you have a witness to verify your story.
d) To give someone another chance even though you know they are lying.

If you want to eat the candy from trick or treating get it out of your system before dinner is ready. What does get it out of your system mean?
a) Get rid of all of the candy because sugar is bad for your teeth.
b) Don't do it because it isn't good for you.
c) Decide to do something later when the time is better.
d) Do what you want to do so you can move on

Things can easily get out of hand when someone throws food in the cafeteria at another student. What does get out of hand mean?
a) Get out of control.
b) Food cannot be brought back into your hand.
c) Food fights never happen at school.
d) Take out of your hand and put something down.

Dad asked us to cut him some slack when we mentioned the steak was overcooked. What does cut some slack mean?
a) Loosen shoe laces
b) Take the food off sooner
c) Complain more about it
d) Don't be so critical

The construction workers cut corners by using thin windows instead of the thicker ones that would have kept the house warmer. what does cut corners mean?
a) Doing something poorly to save time or money.
b) Using special tools to cut the glass.
c) Putting in square windows instead of circle windows.
d) Wanting the windows to have right angles.

Easy does it, my dad said as I was pouring the milk into the bowl that was almost overflowing with cereal. What does easy does it mean?
a) Pouring milk into cereal is easy enough for kids to do.
b) Quickly do the task so it can be over.
c) Be careful and take it slow.
d) Cereal is a good breakfast that even young kids can make by themselves.

I was so frustrated with the puzzle I decided to call it a day. What does call it a day mean?
a) Go to bed for the day.
b) Stop working on something temporarily.
c) Decide to work on it when the sun comes up.
d) Decide to keep working on it till the moon comes up.

Bite the bullet and start your homework. What does bite the bullet mean?
a) To decide not to do.
b) To decide to wait and do tomorrow.
c) To get something over with because it is inevitable.
d) To make someone else do it.

Mom told Pet to break a leg before he performed in the play. What does break a leg mean?
a) Put on safety clothing to keep from getting hurt.
b) Be safe on stage because the lights are bright.
c) Trip and hurt your leg.
d) Good luck.

Don't beat around the bush and tell me what is on your mind. What does beat around the bush mean?
a) To delay or avoid
b) To hit the leaves with a paddle
c) To trim the hedges
d) To talk about trees

I wish she would have apologized sooner but it was better late than never. What does better late than never mean?
a) It happened too quikly.
b) It is better that it never happens.
c) It is better to wait a while before happening.
d) It is better to be delayed than never happen at all.

Valentine's Day cards with hearts on them are a dime a dozen, but the zombie ones are valuable! What does a dime a dozen mean?
a) It is something that you can buy 12 of for 10 cents.
b) The item is very expensive.
c) It is something that is very common.
d) You can only purchase the item in packs of 12.

Bob realized that losing the hard job was really a blessing in disguise. What does blessing in disguise mean?
a) Something that is not going to help you at all.
b) A great thing to happen that you were excited about when it came up.
c) Something that you have to hide your feelings about.
d) A good thing that seemed bad at first.

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