U.S. History - Unit 8 (SSUSH17bc) Question Preview (ID: 60961)

The Dust Bowl Labor During The Depression. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

The Dust Bowl originated in...
a) the Southern Plains
b) California
c) the Deep South
d) the Rocky Mountains

When the Dust Bowl began, the Southern Plains was entering...
a) a dry cycle
b) a wet cycle
c) ###
d) ####

The drought that occurred during the Dust Bowl...
a) lasted throughout the 1930s
b) ended by the mid-1930s
c) only lasted for two years
d) lasted until the 1950s

As farmers in the 1930s continued with deep plowing...
a) the topsoil blew away and caused dust storms
b) wheat and cotton grew well
c) new aquifers were found
d) ####

During the Dust Bowl, 1/3 of farmers in the Southern Plains moved to...
a) central California
b) southern Florida
c) Canada
d) industrial cities on the East Coast

Finally, in 1938...
a) a wet cycle began that ended the Dust Bowl
b) all farmers in the Great Plains moved elsewhere
c) the dust storms increased in intensity
d) ####

By 1933...
a) 25% of Americans were unemployed
b) 5% of Americans were unemployed
c) 45% of Americans were unemployed
d) 65% of Americans were unemployed

Hoovervilles were created by:
a) homeless Americans
b) business owners
c) wealthy American living in cities
d) President Hoover's work programs

The Golden Gate Bridge and Hoover Dam were built...
a) by President Hoover's work programs
b) by President Roosevelt's New Deal agencies
c) by homeless Americans
d) by Chinese immigrants

President Herbert Hoover was unpopular in 1932 because...
a) he did not react to the Great Depression fast enough
b) he fired his entire Cabinet
c) he borrowed billions of dollars from Germany
d) ####

In the Election of 1932...
a) Herbert Hoover was defeated by Franklin D. Roosevelt
b) Herbert Hoover did not run for re-election
c) Herbert Hoover easily defeated Franklin D. Roosevelt
d) ####

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