Central America Part 3 Question Preview (ID: 60958)

Part 3. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Throughout the 1900s, _________________, or governments controlled by a single leader, became common.
a) emperor
b) dictatorships
c) presidential
d) democracy

In Guatemala, a deadly ______________ lasted nearly forty years.
a) Spanish war
b) British war
c) Civil war
d) Communist Party

By the 1980s and 1990s, the last Caribbean colonies had finally gained their _______________________.
a) respect
b) independence
c) land
d) freedom

______________: a religious festival in late winter primarily observed by Roman Catholics.
a) Santeria
b) diaspora
c) microcredit
d) Carnival

______________: a religion in Cuba that combines Catholic and West African beliefs.
a) Santeria
b) diaspora
c) microcredit
d) Carnival

___________: the spread of people from one place to many others
a) Santeria
b) diaspora
c) microcredit
d) Carnival

Most governments in Central America are ______________________ in which a president is the head of government.
a) emperors
b) dictatorships
c) presidential democracies
d) Communist Party

The _____________________ is the only official political party in Cuba.
a) emperors
b) dictatorships
c) presidential democracies
d) Communist Party

___________________, has helped increase manufacturing in the region.
b) Communist Party
d) Microcredit

Poor farmers can sometimes get small loans, called ______________, to start their own farms.
a) Santeria
b) diaspora
c) microcredit
d) Carnival

One growing type of tourism is ________________, or tourism that focuses on the environment and seeks to minimize environmental impact.
a) tourism
b) ecotourism
c) diaspora
d) encomienda

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