Nervous System HS3 Question Preview (ID: 60946)

HS3 Nervous System. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

________ sensory nerves carries the messages to the brain and spinal cord
a) afferent
b) autonomic
c) efferent
d) associative

_________ motor nerves carries the messages from the brain or spinal cord
a) afferent
b) autonomic
c) efferent
d) associative

________ carries both sensory and motor nerve messages
a) afferent
b) autonomic
c) efferent
d) associative

Nervous system subdivision that is composed of the brain and spinal cord
a) Autonomic Nervous System
b) Central Nervous System
c) Peripheral Nervous system
d) Somatic Nervous System

Subdivision of the PNS that controls voluntary activities such as the activation of skeletal muscles
a) Autonomic Nervous System
b) Central Nervous System
c) Peripheral Nervous system
d) Somatic Nervous System

Nervous system subdivision that is composed of the cranial and spinal nerves.
a) Autonomic Nervous System
b) Central Nervous System
c) Peripheral Nervous system
d) Somatic Nervous System

Subdivision of the PNS that regulates the activity of the heart and smooth muscle, and of glands; it is also called the involuntary nervous system.
a) Autonomic Nervous System
b) Central Nervous System
c) Peripheral Nervous system
d) Somatic Nervous System

A major subdivision of the nervous system that interprets incoming information and issues orders
a) Somatic Nervous System
b) Peripheral Nervous system
c) Central Nervous System
d) Autonomic Nervous System

A major subdivision of the nervous system that serves as communication lines, linking all parts of the body to the CNS
a) Autonomic Nervous System
b) Central Nervous System
c) Somatic Nervous System
d) Peripheral Nervous system

The function of the meninges is to _______
a) cover and protect the brain and spinal cord
b) increase brain function
c) aids in motor neurons
d) send messages to the spinal cord

The middle meninge is theĀ 
a) dura mater
b) arachnoid membrane
c) pia mater
d) None of these

The outer meninge is theĀ 
a) dura mater
b) arachnoid membrane
c) pia mater
d) none of these

The spinal cord ends around the 1st or 2nd ______ vertebrae
a) Cervical
b) Thorasic
c) Lumbar
d) Sacrum

largest section of the brain
a) cerebellum
b) cerebrum
c) hypothalamus
d) midbrain

regulates and controls Autonomic Nervous system
a) thalamus
b) hypothalamus
c) midbrain
d) medulla oblongata

responsible for the regulating of heartbeat, respiration, swallowing
a) cerebrum
b) cerebellum
c) hypothalamus
d) medulla oblongata

recognizes hot and cold
a) hypothalamus
b) thalamus
c) midbrain
d) pons

impulses between brain parts for certain eye and hearing reflexes
a) cerebrum
b) cerebellum
c) thalamus
d) midbrain

responsible for chewing, tasting and making saliva
a) thalamus
b) hypothalamus
c) midbrain
d) pons

The __________ is responsible for reflex actions
a) muscles
b) spinal cord
c) intravertebral disc
d) frontal loabe

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