Grade 3 Question Preview (ID: 60945)

Unit 5 Review. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Mechanical weathering is
a) Chemicals breaking down rocks
b) Glacial erosion
c) Natural forces breaking rocks into sediments
d) Water carrying rocks

What is true of deposition?
a) Mass and force of water determine deposition rates
b) Any rock can deposit fast
c) The smaller the mass the faster the rock deposits
d) The larger the mass the slower the rock deposits

Settling means to...
a) Make sets of 10
b) Get married
c) Keep moving
d) Come to a rest or stop

Soil is composed of..
a) Dirt
b) Living and nonliving things
c) Air
d) Rocks

Chemical Weathering is when
a) Acid rain falls down
b) The texture and color of rock changes due to chemicals
c) The elements and minerals of a rock are changed
d) Rocks break into sediments

Which of these represents mechanical weathering?
a) A statue who's color changed
b) Vinegar softening a rock
c) Frost wedging cracking a rock into smaller pieces
d) Animals moving rocks

Which is an example of erosion?
a) Rocks breaking down due to rain
b) Acid rain changing a statue
c) A stream carrying rock pieces down stream
d) Stones settling in a pond

Which list of words represent erosion?
a) Break, wear down, erode
b) Weathering, erosion, deposition
c) Settle, drop, rest
d) Carry, transport, move

Which rock would deposit first?
a) 10 gram rock
b) 9 gram rock
c) 5 gram rock
d) 15 gram rock

What is the speed of glacial erosion?
a) Slow
b) Quick

How does water impact deposition?
a) The less force the further the rock goes
b) The more force the less far the rock goes
c) The more forces the further the rock goes
d) The less force the rock will erode

Which are natural hazards?
a) hurricanes, rain, snow
b) Tornados, landslides, hurricanes
c) earthquakes, weathering, erosion

Erosion or moving water causes
a) Deep valleys
b) Rifts
c) Weathered rock

How do hurricanes change over time?
a) Hurricanes get stronger when they pass cold air.
b) Hurricanes weaken when they pass warm air.
c) Hurricanes weaken when they pass cold air
d) Hurricanes get stronger when they pass any type of air.

What is the best time to prepare for a hurricane?
a) 10 pm
b) 2 weeks in advance
c) Day before
d) As soon as you know, the more time the better

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