The Jefferson Era 4 Question Preview (ID: 60941)

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Seizing sailors and forcing them to serve in the British navy
a) Kidnapping
b) Abduction
c) Hijacking
d) Impressment

How much did the Louisiana Purchase cost
a) $25 million
b) $8 million
c) $100 million
d) $15 million

Which of the following is an example of Judicial Review?
a) Congress votes to approve a Supreme Court appointment
b) A decision by a lower court is appealed to the Supreme Court
c) The Supreme Court rules that a new law violates the Constitution
d) A newspaper editorial criticizes a Supreme Court decision

Why was Thomas Jefferson’s embargo on foreign trade unsuccessful in dealing France and Great Britain?
a) The lack of trade harmed the U.S. more than other countries
b) The British refused to comply with the embargo
c) ​​​​​​​ The British were forced out of the Louisiana Territory
d) All of the above

How was the United States being harmed by the Barbary States?
a) They threatened to secede from the United States
b) They were taxing U.S goods
c) They were blockading foreign ports
d) Pirates were seizing U.S. trade ships

Third President of the U.S. - Winner in the Election of 1800 the ended in a tie
a) John Adams
b) Aaron Burr
c) James Madison
d) Thomas Jefferson

A ​​​​​​​Presidents and Vice Presidents would be elected separately to avoid ties within one party ​​​​​​​ Presidents and Vice Presidents would be elected separately to avoid ties within one party, B ​​​​​​​Additional electoral votes were added to
a) It allowed the Supreme Court to strike down unconstitutional laws
b) It allowed citizens to appeal prior court decisions
c) It gave the President the power of executive orders,
d) It stated that the Supreme Court could overrule state courts

A long and carefully planned journey
a) Trek
b) Voyage
c) Escapade
d) Expedition

What action did the British successfully use throughout the war?
a) Detente
b) Blockade
c) Tariff
d) Embargo

Who was sent to explore the Louisiana Territory
a) Lewis and Cline
b) Clark and Errol
c) Lewis and Clark
d) Damian and Nolan

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