The Jefferson Era 2 Question Preview (ID: 60939)

Jefferson Era Review Questions. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Thomas Jefferson was uneasy about purchasing the Louisiana Territory because
a) Did not trust James Monroe and Robert Livingstone to make a favorable deal
b) He worried the land would be of poor quality
c) He did have the constitutional power to buy land from another country
d) He worried about angering farmers who shipped their crops to New Orleans

How was the United States being harmed by the Barbary States?
a) They threatened to secede from the United States
b) They were taxing American goods
c) Pirates were seizing U.S. trade ships
d) They were blockading foreign ports They were blockading foreign ports

What was the effect of the War of 1812?
a) ​​​​​​​ European nations would now have to treat the U.S. with respect
b) ​​​​​​​ The British were forced out of the Louisiana Territory
c) ​​​​​​​ The U.S. gained control of Florida
d) All of the above

Chief Justice of the Supreme Court who established Judicial Review
a) John Marshall
b) William Rehnquist
c) John Potter
d) John Jay

Government order that forbids foreign trade
a) Nullification
b) Cease order
c) Bartering exchange
d) Embargo

Which of the following was not a cause of the War of 1812?
a) Increased tensions with Great Britain
b) War Hawks were against going to war D
c) An increase in American nationalism
d) Relations with Britain were worsening Due to impressment of American sailors Relations with Britain were worsening due to imp

What foregin nation did the U.S. purchase Louisiana from
a) Russia
b) Portugal
c) Spain
d) France

Those who were eager for war with the British
a) Whigs
b) War Hawks
c) Swamp Foxes
d) Nativists

U.S. Naval commander who defeated the British at the Battle of lake Erie
a) Charles Duke
b) John Paul Jones
c) Steven Deactur
d) Oliver Hazard Perry

To withdrawal from an organization, union, or group
a) Withdrawal
b) Retreat
c) Secede
d) Revilt

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