Photosynthesis And Cellular Respiration Question Preview (ID: 60929)

Photosynthesis And Cellular Respiration. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

A process by which plants convert sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide into food energy (sugar), oxygen, and water:
a) photosynthesis
b) cellular respiration
c) osmosis
d) diffusion

Where does photosynthesis occur?
a) chloroplast
b) sunlight
c) in the air
d) mitochondria

A green molecule which uses light energy from sunlight to change water and carbon dioxide gas into sugar and oxygen:
a) cellular respiration
b) chlorophyll
c) chloroplast
d) photosynthesis

If you were to collect the gas given off by a plant in the sun, it would probably be:
a) nitrogen
b) carbon dioxide
c) oxygen
d) helium

In the process of photosynthesis, sunlight is used to convert carbon dioxide and water into:
a) oxygen and glucose
b) ATP energy
c) nitrogen
d) lipids and starches

Cellular Respiration takes place in:
a) plant cells
b) prokaryotic cells
c) animal cells
d) all living things

The process by which the chemical energy of food molecules is released and changed to ATP is called:
a) cellular respiration
b) chlorophyll
c) mitochondria
d) photosynthesis

What is ATP?
a) The energy that is produced in photosynthesis.
b) The energy that is produced in cellular respiration.
c) glucose
d) oxygen

What do you notice about the equations for both cellular respiration and photosynthesis?
a) They are opposites.
b) Photosynthesis produces four products, while cellular produces two products.
c) They are the exact same.
d) Photosynthesis produces three products, while cellular respiration produces two products.

Photosynthesis is to chloroplasts as cellular respiration is to:
a) cytoplasm
b) chloroplast
c) nucleus
d) mitochondria

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