U.S. History - Unit 8 (SSUSH16de) Question Preview (ID: 60922)

Radio And Movies Cultural Expression. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

The period of mass media began...
a) after World War I
b) before World War I
c) just after the Civil War
d) well after World War II

By the early 1920s, millions of Americans had:
a) commercial radios
b) televisions
c) ###
d) ####

Since radio broadcasts occurred nationwide, it led to:
a) a stronger national identity
b) a stronger regional identity
c) an increase in fear during the Red Scare
d) a reduction in immigration

Movies... with sound... began:
a) in the late 1920s
b) in the early 1910s
c) during World War I
d) ####

The radio and movies were unifying forces on:
a) national culture
b) presidential elections
c) the spread of communism
d) sparking the Great Depression

The Modernist Movement began as American artists were highly influenced by:
a) European artists
b) artists in Latin America
c) the Red Scare
d) revolutions in sub-Saharan Africa

The Harlem Renaissance was the first artistic movement from:
a) African-Americans
b) the wealthy
c) western Europe
d) the Caribbean

The Harlem Renaissance began in:
a) a borough of New York City
b) southern Florida
c) California
d) areas around Washington, DC

The first true American music was:
a) Jazz
b) Rock
c) Folk Music
d) Country Music

Jazz originated in:
a) the Deep South
b) industrial cities in the North
c) Phoenix
d) Haiti and the Dominican Republic

Louis Armstrong and Duke Ellington were:
a) famous Jazz musicians
b) artists of the Harlem Renaissance
c) American authors
d) ####

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