Potential And Kinetic Energy Question Preview (ID: 60902)
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The ability to do work is called...
a) joules
b) energy
c) transform
d) none of the above
Energy is measure in...
a) joules
b) energy
c) grams
d) liters
Energy that is stored is called...
a) kinetic
b) potential
c) chemical
d) solar
Energy in motion is called...
a) kinetic
b) potential
c) chemcial
d) electrical
Energy cannot be created or ____________.
a) made
b) destroyed
c) shuffled
d) moved
Energy stored in the chemical bonds between atoms and molecules
a) gravitational potential energy
b) elastic potential energy
c) Chemical potential energy
d) none of the above
Energy stored in an object as a result of its vertical position or height
a) gravitational potential energy
b) elastic potential energy
c) chemical potential energy
d) none of the above
Energy stored until the force is removed and the object springs back to its original shape, doing work in the process
a) gravitational potential energy
b) elastic potential energy
c) chemical potential energy
d) none of the above
The higher an object is above the surface of the ground, the more _________________ energy it has?
a) chemical
b) potential
c) kinetic
d) elastic
When you throw a ball to a friend, what type of energy is that?
a) potential
b) kinetic
c) chemical
d) elastic
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