1st Declension Latin Endings Question Preview (ID: 60894)

1st Declension Latin Endings. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Dative Plural
a) is
b) as
c) ae
d) orum

Genitive Plural
a) arum
b) is
c) as
d) ae

Nominative Plural
a) ae
b) is
c) arum
d) a

Ablative Singular
a) a
b) is
c) as
d) am

Accusative singular
a) am
b) a
c) as
d) ae

Genitive Singular
a) ae
b) arum
c) is
d) as

Dative Singular
a) ae
b) a
c) am
d) as

Nominative singular
a) a
b) ae
c) am
d) is

Accusative Plural
a) as
b) am
c) is
d) ae

Ablative Plural
a) is
b) as
c) a
d) ae

In the first declension, what cases have the ending ae?
a) Genitive Singular, Dative Singular, Nominative Plural
b) Genitive Singular, Dative, Plural, Ablative Plural
c) Nominative Plural, Genitive Singular, Dative plural
d) Dative Singular, Nominative Plural, Nominative Singular

What two cases match on the plural side?
a) Dative and Ablative
b) Genitive and Dative
c) Accusative and Ablative
d) Nominative and Ablative

How is the 1st Declension Nominative singular different from the ablative singular?
a) ablative singular has a long mark, nominative singular does not.
b) nominative singular has a long mark, ablative singular does not.
c) It is a trick question, they are totally different.
d) They are spelled differently.

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