Ch 7, 8th Grade Question Preview (ID: 60879)

Energy. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

When you stretch a rubber band, you give it
a) potential energy
b) kinetic energy
c) electrical energy
d) chemical energy

To calculate power, divide the amount of energy transferred by
a) time
b) force
c) work
d) distance

What is the energy stored in the nucleus of an atom called?
a) nuclear energy
b) electrical energy
c) chemical energy
d) thermal energy

An object's mechanical energy is the sum of its
a) kinetic and potential energy
b) kinetic and thermal energy
c) potential and thermal energy
d) electromagnetic and sound energy

When you heat a pot of water over a flame, what form of energy is added to the water?
a) thermal
b) nuclear
c) electromagnetic
d) electric

As a car skids to a stop, friction transforms kinetic energy to
a) thermal energy
b) potential energy
c) chemical energy
d) electrical energy

Why does a pendulum eventually slow down and stop swinging?
a) Friction transforms some of the mechanical energy to thermal energy.
b) Kinetic energy changes to potential energy
c) Gravity pulls the pendulum toward Earth's center
d) Potential energy changes to kinetic energy

Which energy transformation takes place when wood is burned?
a) Chemical energy is tranformed to thermal energy
b) Nuclear energy is transformed to thermal energy
c) Thermal energy is transformed to electrical energy
d) Mechanical energy is transformed to thermal energy

Kinetic energy depends on
a) speed and mass
b) speed and direction
c) weight and mass
d) mass and direction

Energy and work are measured in
a) joules
b) watts
c) amperes
d) seconds

Food has stored
a) chemical energy
b) nuclear energy
c) electromagnetic energy
d) mechanical energy

An object with mechanical energy can do work on another object.
a) true
b) false

Thermal energy depends on
a) all of the above
b) amount of matter in an object
c) what an object is made of
d) what state of matter something is in

Electrical energy can be considered a form of
a) both kinetic and potential energy
b) kinetic energy
c) potential energy
d) only mechanical energy

Electromagnetic energy can travel through empty space
a) true
b) false

When you stretch a rubber band, it is gaining
a) elastic potential energy
b) elastic kinetic energy
c) gravitational potential energy
d) kinetic energy

Nuclear fusion involves
a) two smaller nuclei joining together to form a larger nuclei
b) one large nucleus splitting into smaller nuclei
c) a combination of joining and splitting nuclei
d) all of the above

When you touch a doorknob and your hand feels cold, that is because
a) thermal energy is leaving your hand and entering the doorknob
b) the cold is leaving the doorknob and entering your hand
c) the doorknob is an insulator
d) your blood freezes

Lightning is a form of
a) electric energy
b) electromagnetic energy
c) thermal energy
d) nuclear energy

Power is measured in
a) watts
b) joules
c) newtons
d) meters per second

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