Chapter 3 Section 1 And 2 Quiz Question Preview (ID: 60805)

Population And Migration. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

To find population density of a place, divide the number of people living there by the number of
a) mountians
b) rivers
c) square miles or kilometers
d) countries

The way the population is spread out over an area.
a) population distribution
b) population density
c) immigrants
d) demography

How do geographers use the PUSH-PULL theory?
a) explain climate change
b) explain immigration
c) describe political change
d) describe geographic change

Demographers are able to figure out population growth by comparing
a) life expectancies
b) diseases
c) birthrates and death rates
d) food supplies around the world

Which of the following is an ECONOMIC reason for why people migrate?
a) They do not like the government
b) They cannot find work
c) They are fleeing war
d) They are persecuted for their religion

How have advances in medicine affected population?
a) People live longer
b) more babies are born
c) The death rate has increased
d) The birth rate has decreased

Because of rapid population growth, Sao Paulo, Brazil, cannot provide citizens with enough
a) houses and jobs
b) cars
c) medical care
d) food

An example of how rapid population growth can affect the environment may include
a) better jobs
b) increase in trees
c) shrinking forests
d) cleaner waterways

The desire for home ownership pulls people to
a) cities
b) farmland
c) suburbs
d) Hamburg

The primary reason for migration between India and Pakistan in 1947 was
a) Religious differences
b) economic
c) desire for home ownership
d) need for better climate

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