Practice Obj. 2.02 Question Preview (ID: 60794)

Food Safety. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What is most likely a contamination to ready to eat foods?
a) food worker touching their body
b) unwashed vegetables
c) canned items
d) service animal inside facility

An example of a food contact surface would be ?
a) prep table
b) grocery shopping
c) opening refrigerator door reaching inside
d) knife block

Which of the following is least likely to come in contract with a foodbourne illness?
a) teenager
b) expecting mom
c) diabetic
d) senior citizen

Which temp would prevent bacteria growing?
a) colder 41 F and hotter than 135 F
b) colder 0 F and hotter 212 F
c) colder 32 f and hotter than 120 F
d) colder 55 f and hotter 165 F

What is true about wearing gloves as a food worker?
a) wash hands after wearing
b) does need them
c) wear only when cooking food
d) change daily to keep hands free f germs

Before using a thermometer what should a student do?
a) wash, rinse, sanitize
b) wipe with towel, wash, air dry
c) use it
d) rinse, santize, take paper towel to dry

What could a food worker do to prevent contamination?
a) using different (color) cutting boards for a variery of foods
b) bare hand contact with TCS foods
c) washing hands after finishing cooking
d) fixing raw items before RTE foods

Some foods will be hazardous due to what factor?
a) contain lots of protein liquid to allow rapidly grow
b) not approved by the health inspector
c) has radiation exposure
d) have pesticides on them

What is a safety factor when using bare hands?
a) touching ready to eat food
b) throwing spoiled food out
c) washing dishes
d) selecting, sorting, and washing veggies

What is correct about foodborne illness?
a) worker may carry disease that can effect food
b) this is not common
c) only 2 types are available
d) One must keep restaurant clean at all times

Tracy is about to start cleaning up the kitchen, what should she do before starting?
a) cover and put up all leftovers
b) leave dishes in sink overnight
c) move soiled dishes closer to the sink
d) spray clearner on counter top first

TDZ is ?
a) 41 F to 135 F
b) 40 F to 141 F
c) 44 F to 135 F
d) 32 F to 135 F

How does bacteria grow on food?
a) length of time on food
b) lack of liquid in food
c) sick worker handling food
d) under a microscope

How can a food worker keep TCS foods safe?
a) keep out of TDZ
b) using a crock pot on low heat
c) use the same plate for RTE and cooked food
d) never mixed RTE with cooked foods

Ready to eat foods are known as?
a) not needing to be cooked before serving
b) any item from a reliable soucre
c) processed foods needs to be cooked before eating
d) none of the items

Food is most likely to travel through the TDZ when?
a) being cooled or thawed
b) being held hot or cold
c) being packaged
d) being served

Tracy is making sandwiches for the football team in the kitchen lab, She finds a clorx bottle on the counter top. What should the student do?
a) notify the teacher
b) move it aside
c) nothing
d) work around it

Tracy wants to reheat leftovers to eat for dinner, What should she do?
a) quickly reheat to 165 f and keep it hot until eaten
b) leave it out to room temperature
c) slowly warm uo to 165 f
d) serve cold

Which food item would need to be cooked to a specofic temp for immediate serving?
a) chicken and turkey
b) pasta eggs
c) vegetables
d) hot dogs

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