Launching A New Nation 3 Question Preview (ID: 60767)

Review For Your Launching A New Nation Test. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Example for others to follow
a) Syllabus
b) Index
c) Precedent
d) Allegory

What was the goal of the Alien and Sedition Acts
a) Establish a fair system to allow immigrants to enter the U.S
b) Overthrow the newly formed U.S. government
c) Silence political opponents of the Federalist party
d) Gain Republican votes in Congress

What best describes the XYZ Affair
a) British Naval officers were impressing U.S. sailors
b) French agents attempted to force U.S. officials to pay a bribe to begin negotiations
c) The British army was aiding the native Americans in the west
d) Voters in the election of 1796 were paid for their votes

Even though the United States was neutral in the conflict between the British and French what was happening to American ships
a) They were being stopped and their cargo seized by both sides
b) They were being attacked by the French
c) The British were using the tactic of impressment of American sailors
d) All of the above

To cancel a federal law
a) Expunge
b) Reject
c) Nullify
d) Amend

1796 Republican candidate for President
a) James Madison
b) William Patterson
c) James Monroe
d) Thomas Jefferson

Washington's forceful ending of the Whiskey Rebellion was important because
a) British interference in the Northwest Territory would not be tolerated
b) Native American uprisings had been defeated.
c) Armed rebellion was not acceptable in the United States
d) He wanted the tax paid quicker

Not favoring a side in a debate or issue
a) Anodyne
b) Impartial
c) Objecttive
d) Neutral

Which event forced Native Americans to give up their land in present day Ohio
a) The signing of the Treaty of Paris after the American Revolution
b) Defeat by the U.S. Army at the Battle of Fallen Timbers
c) George Washington's delivery of his Farewell Address
d) The Northwest Ordinance of 1787

True or False - The Federalists favored a strict interpretation of the Constitution
a) True
b) False

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