Unit 4: Civil War Question Preview (ID: 60764)

This Review Talks About The Civil War. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What was life like for an enslaved person?
a) Life was carefree and happy
b) Life was monotonous, tension filled, and worrying
c) Life went quickly
d) Life was different every day, and had lots of opportunities

What did Union and Confederate soldiers agree on?
a) War was brutal and horrible
b) Wives letters can be annoying
c) Food is bad in war
d) Their provided uniform was ugly

Why did Abraham Lincoln want a transcontinental railroad?
a) He loved to travel
b) He thought trains would stop slavery
c) He didn't want a transcontinental railroad
d) We wanted the train to unite the country

Why didn't southerners agree with westward expansion?
a) They hated trains
b) Southerners didn't want life to change
c) They were worried slavery wouldn't be in the territories
d) They wanted slavery in the territories

How did northerns feel about slavery in the south?
a) They didn't care as long as it stayed in the south
b) They agreed with it
c) They protested daily
d) They did not agree with it

Why were people in the south concerned about slavery in the territories?
a) They were worried if the territories didn't have slavery, their use of slavery would be threatened
b) They didn't know how the government would pay for it
c) They thought slavery should only be in the south because they were selfish
d) They disagreed with slavery

Define 15th amendment.
a) a change to the constitution abolishing slavery in the United States
b) a change to the constitution granting citizenship to anyone born in the United States
c) a change to the consitution declaring that states can't deny men the right to vote based on race
d) a change to the constitution allowing barriers to exist at polling places

Define 14th amendment.
a) a change to the constitution abolishing slavery in the United States
b) a change to the constitution granting citizenship to anyone born in the United States
c) a change to the constitution taking away citizenship from people that were enslaved
d) a change to the consitution protecting voters rights

Define 13th amendment.
a) a change to the constitution abolishing slavery in the United States
b) a change to the constitutions allowing slavery in the United States
c) a change to the constitution granting citizenship in the United States
d) a change to the constitution protecting voters rights

Define perspective.
a) free land in the western territories given to citizens to farm
b) crossing the continent
c) when a person owns another person as property
d) the way someone views something

Define slavery.
a) free land in the western territories given to citizens to farm
b) crossing the continent
c) when a person owns another person as property
d) being able to choose what your life looks like without interference from others

Define homesteaders.
a) free land in the western territories given to citizens to farm
b) people rushing west to get gold
c) homes that are built extravagently
d) crossing the continent

Define transcontinental railroad.
a) free land in the western territories given to citizens to farm
b) a train that crosses the continent
c) a railroad that wants to be a locomotive
d) a train that goes under the ocean

Why was the battle of Gettysburg important?
a) It was the final battle
b) It was the smallest battle with the largest impact
c) It was the turning point of the war in the Union's favor
d) It took over the Mississippi river which benefited the Union

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