Biological Levels Of Organization Question Preview (ID: 60757)

BIO.A.1.2 Describe Relationships Between Structure And Function At Biological Levels Of Organization. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

There are ____ levels of biological organization
a) 10
b) 7
c) 5
d) 3

Stomach, lungs, and brain belong to the ____ level of biological organization
a) system
b) organ
c) cell
d) organism

Which level of biological organization is defined as a group of distinct and similar cells that carry out a specific set of functions
a) organism
b) cell
c) organ
d) tissue

Which of the following does NOT belong?
a) cardiovascular
b) bacteria
c) human
d) fungi

The smallest unit of life belongs to which level of biological organization?
a) organism
b) cell
c) tissue
d) system

Muscle, connective, nervous and epithelial are examples of which level of biological organization?
a) cell
b) system
c) tissue
d) organ

Which level of biological organization is characterized by a plasma membrane, genetic material, and membrane-bound organelles?
a) system
b) organism
c) tissue
d) cell

Two or more tissues that carry out a particular set of functions are
a) organs
b) cells
c) systems
d) organisms

Which of the following pairs list two consecutive levels of biological organization from lesser to greater complexity?
a) organism, organ
b) cell, tissue
c) tissue, system
d) system, organ

The stomach, mouth, and large and small intestines collectively belong to which level of biological organization?
a) cell
b) organ
c) system
d) tissue

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