Constitution Review Part One Question Preview (ID: 60744)

Constitution Review. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Which is a reserved power?
a) Taxation
b) Declaring war
c) Establishing schools
d) Enforcing laws

The full faith and credit clause says. . .
a) People should have faith in the government
b) You must pass a religion test to run for office
c) States must respect the laws of other states
d) People can shop on credit

The Supremacy Clause states. . .
a) The Constitution is the highest law in the land
b) Federal and State governments have the power to tax
c) Only Congress can declare war
d) States can ignore the Constitution if state laws conflict with it

The 15th amendment gave the right to vote to. . .
a) Black men
b) Women
c) 18 year olds
d) Anybody who could pay a poll tax

the 19th amendment gave the right to vote to. . .
a) Black men
b) Women
c) 18 year olds
d) Non-citizens

This amendment granted equal protection under the law. . .
a) 14th
b) 26th
c) 18th
d) 19th

This amendment abolished (ended) slavery
a) 26th
b) 19th
c) 13th
d) 23rd

The 26th amendment. . .
a) Granted freedom of speech
b) Ended prohibition
c) Lowered the voting age from 21 to 18
d) Raised the voting age from 18 to 21

Powers given only to the federal government are known as. . .
a) Expressed powers
b) Reserved powers
c) Super powers
d) Concurrent powers

The executive branch
a) Makes the law
b) Enforces the law
c) Interprets the law
d) None of the above

The Supreme Court's ability to rule a law unconstitutional is called. . .
a) Popular Sovereignty
b) Judicial Review
c) Federalism
d) Bruce

The legislative branch. . .
a) Enforces the law
b) Interprets the law
c) Breaks the law
d) Makes the law

What does the preamble do?
a) Explains the purpose of government
b) adds to or changes the Constitution
c) Sets out the three branches of government
d) Declares independence from England

Which is a concurrent power?
a) Collecting taxes
b) Declaring war
c) Establishing schools
d) Marriage laws

The constitutional principle that the law applies to everyone is. . .
a) Federalism
b) Popular sovereignty
c) Rule of law
d) Checks and Balances

The President is part of the. . .
a) Executive branch
b) Legislative branch
c) Judicial Branch
d) Concurrent Branch

To ratify means. . .?
a) To reject
b) To approve
c) To change
d) To tax

Popular Sovereignty means . . .
a) Power in the government comes from the people
b) You must be popular to get elected
c) The king has all the power
d) Everyone must obey the law

To successfully pass an amendment what has to happen?
a) Unanimous vote by Congress
b) 2/3 of Congress and then 3/4 of state governments must approve
c) All the people must vote on it
d) 3/4 of Congress and approval by the Supreme Court

The necessary and proper clause is also known as the elastic clause becaus. . .
a) No real reason, it just sounds good
b) It adds to or changes the Constitution
c) Sets out the three branches of government
d) Gives Congress additional powers

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