SEA Gandhi Review Question Preview (ID: 60740)

A Review Of Gandhi's Efforts To Gain Independence For India. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Who taught that it was necessary for Indians to refuse to obey unfair or unjust British laws?
a) Ho Chi Minh
b) Mao Zedong
c) Mohandas Gandhi
d) Gen. Douglass MacArthur

A love and loyalty for your country and people; similar to 'patriotism'
a) Colonialism
b) Nationalism
c) Boycott
d) Pacifism

One of Gandhi's main goals was that his protest methods would always be......
a) hard to explain.
b) only used in daytime.
c) dangerous and violent.
d) non-violent.

What word means 'to work together with a large group to avoid a business or a product in order to create social change'?
a) Colonialism
b) Nationalism
c) Boycott
d) Pacifism

What was the specific name of Gandhi's protest movement?
a) Civil disobedience
b) Rock the Vote
c) Stand and Deliver
d) Stop, Drop, and Roll

Why was the colony of India split into Pakistan and India after independence?
a) The British did it without asking the Indians.
b) To make more money
c) Religious differences
d) India wanted to create a buffer country between them and other countries in case of war.

Which European country colonized India?
a) France
b) Portugal
c) Spain
d) England

Who assassinated Gandhi?
a) British soldiers
b) an American photographer
c) a Muslim protestor
d) A Hindu nationalist

In what other country did Gandhi protest for better rights for Indians?
a) Fiji
b) South Africa
c) China
d) United States

How were the Indians treated under British rule
a) The Indians were slaves
b) The Indians were forced out of India
c) The Indians were treated as equals
d) The Indians were treated as second class citizens

One country taking over another country and then taking advantage of them economically is called what?
a) Colonialism
b) Nationalism
c) Boycott
d) Pacifism

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