Between Shades Of Gray Question Preview (ID: 60724)

Multiple Choice. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What did Lina's father do for a living?
a) a University Professor
b) a policeman
c) a dog catcher
d) a lifeguard

How did Ona die?
a) a heart attack
b) she got run over by a truck
c) she was shot by a guard
d) she had a disease

What was part 2 of the book called?
a) thieves and prostitutes
b) maps and snakes
c) trains and buses
d) girls and boys

What is the name of the NKVD commander?
a) Julius
b) Stalin
c) Kozinski
d) Komorov

What disease does Jonas have?
a) scurvy
b) rickets
c) cancer
d) covid

What did Commander Komorov want Lina to draw a picture of?
a) his dog
b) the camp
c) his brother
d) himself for his wife

What does Lina ask Andrius to hide when they find out they're moving camps?
a) Jonas's cigarettes
b) her drawings
c) her mom's ring
d) a loaf of bread

What book of the Bible did Mrs. Rima's husband reference in his letter?
a) Exodus
b) Genesis
c) Psalms
d) Revealation

What book does Andrius give Lina for her birthday?
a) Dombey and Son
b) Pride and Prejudice
c) The Red Queen
d) To Kill A Mockingbird

How did Lina want to draw Komorov?
a) as the devil
b) With snakes coming out of his head
c) As a monster
d) In flames

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