World History Midterm Part II Question Preview (ID: 60720)

World History Midterm. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What group of people were often used to crawl deep into the gold mines to bring up gravel?
a) Children
b) Kings
c) Priests
d) Nobels

What two natural resources were important for trade in African Empires?
a) Salt and Gold
b) Honey and Wine
c) Corn and Wheat
d) Horses and Camels

Which of the following is NOT a reason salt was important to people in Africa?
a) Salt can be used to preserve meat
b) Salt could be used as a trade good
c) Salt is needed in a human diet
d) Salt is used to make silk

Who conquered the Aztecs?
a) Juan Ponce De Leon
b) Christopher Columbus
c) Hernando Cortez
d) Francis Drake

How were many of the indigenous people treated by the Spanish?
a) Like gods
b) Like slaves
c) like equals
d) like criminals

How were the Spanish able to take over much of the land in Central/South America?
a) they bought it
b) they were given the land for free without issue
c) they took it over by force using their superior military
d) They gave indigenous people important roles in the new governments

Who was the first European to sail around the southern tip of Africa in 1488?
a) Vasco De Gama
b) Christopher Columbus
c) Bartolomeu Dias
d) Marco Polo

A Spanish explorer who took lands in Central/South America by force is known as a...
a) Conquistador
b) Explorer
c) Martyr
d) Torero

Since samurai were expensive to support what is one way they were paid?
a) Gold
b) Silk
c) Food
d) Salt

The main food for a Samurai was...
a) Rice
b) What
c) Beef
d) Corn

What country did Japan try to model its civilization after?
a) China
b) France
c) England
d) Russia

What drug discovered in the new world is effective against malaria?
a) Tobacco
b) Quinine
c) Asprin
d) Morphine

What type of villages did Jomon live in?
a) Herding
b) Industrial
c) Farming
d) Fishing

What is the largest hot desert in the world located in Northern Africa?
a) Sahara
b) Mojave
c) Sonoran
d) Gobi

Where did the salt found in the Sahara come from?
a) salt forms in the sand after it rains
b) Salt caves formed by volcanoes
c) Salt trees planted by native people
d) Ancient evaporated sea water

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