War Of 1812 Review 2 Question Preview (ID: 60677)
CKLA Review.
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I was the president during the War of 1812.
a) James Madison
b) George Washington
c) Coach
d) Dolley Madison
I helped save important papers and letters from the President’s House before the British came.
a) Mrs. Hornback
b) Mrs. Manning
c) Dolley Madison
d) Andrew Jackson
I wrote the national anthem “The Star-Spangled Banner.”
a) Ivan De La Paz
b) Ms. Hodes
c) Francis Scott Key
d) James Madison
I put together a ragtag army to win the Battle of New Orleans.
a) Dolley Madison
b) Travis Kelce
c) James Madison
d) Andrew Jackson
I was built especially for the president and his family.
a) The President's House or White House
b) McDonalds
c) Hazel Grove
d) Capital
The British cannonballs bounced off my sides
a) USS Seaweed
b) USS Consitution
c) USS Mars
d) USS Sofia
I was called “Old Ironsides” because I was hard to sink.
a) USS Constitution
b) USS Kaiden
c) USS Burrito
d) USS Starbucks
I saw an enormous flag flying and knew that Baltimore had been saved.
a) Dolley Madison
b) Jim Madison
c) Francis Scott Key
d) Earl Watson
I was the first person to be called the First Lady of the United States.
a) Dolley Madison
b) USS Constitution
c) Elsa Jackson
d) Alexa Chinchilla Mata
I did not want to go to war with Great Britain.
a) George Washington
b) James Madison
c) Andrew Jackson
The British army set fire to me after Dolley Madison and others had to escape.
a) Orange House
b) Green House
c) Red House
d) White House
I ordered the construction of entrenchments, or walls, around New Orleans.
a) Andrew Jackson
b) James Madison
c) Dolley Madison
d) George Bush
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