Civics Final Exam 2022 Part 1 Question Preview (ID: 60670)

Civics Final Exam. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Who is the source of the government's power?
a) the people
b) the Constitution
c) political parties
d) The Articles of Confederation

What is a duty?
a) Something a citizen HAS to do
b) Something a citizen SHOULD do
c) Something the government HAS to do
d) Something the government SHOULD do

What is a responsibility
a) Something a citizen HAS to do
b) Something a citizen SHOULD do
c) Something the government HAS to do
d) Something the government SHOULD do

Which of the following is NOT a key purpose of government?
a) to provide services to the public
b) to keep order in society and resolve society's conflicts
c) to punish citizens who fail to meet their civic responsibilities
d) to make decisions about issues and problems facing society

Which English policy lead to the writing of the Declaration of Independence?
a) imposing direct taxes on glass, lead, paints, paper, and tea
b) granting all land west of the Appalachian Mountains to the French 
c) removing all British troops from Boston
d) outlawing slavery in the Southern Colonies

Why were the Articles of Confederation replaced by the United States Constitution?
a) The new government was too much like England's government
b) Tax laws favored the rich and overtaxed the poor
c) The central government was very weak and ineffective
d) There were no established state courts

What was the Declaration of Independence?
a) a new constitution
b) A letter to the king of England outlining the reasons the colonies wanted to separate
c) the name of the new American government
d) a document written by the king explaining all the new taxes to be paid

What did the Federalists and Anti-Federalists want?
a) Federalists wanted a stronger central government; Anti-Federalists wanted stronger state governments
b) Federalists wanted to keep the Articles of Confederation; Anti-Federalists wanted a new Constitution
c) Federalists wanted to stay as colonies of England, Anti-Federalists wanted independence
d) Federalists wanted a Bill of Rights added to the Constitution; Anti-Federalists wanted to pass the Constitution as it was ori

Which of the following is NOT a purpose of the Preamble
a) To introduce the Constitution
b) To outline the goals of the US government
c) To mention consent of the governed
d) To separate from England

Which of the following is NOT a right protected by the First Amendment to the Constitution?
a) Freedom of Speech
b) Freedom of Press
c) Freedom of Religion
d) Freedom of Politics

The Nineteenth Amendment granted which group the right to vote?
a) Women
b) 18 year olds
c) American Indians
d) Immigrants

The Fourteenth Amendment was added to the Constitution to provide voting rights to which group?
a) 18 year olds
b) non-citizens
c) African Americans
d) Political parties

What is the primary duty of the legislative branch?
a) to create laws
b) to enforce laws
c) to determine if laws are Constitutional
d) to support their political parties

What is the primary duty of the executive branch?
a) to create laws
b) to enforce laws
c) to determine if laws are Constitutional
d) to support their political parties

What is the primary duty of the judicial branch?
a) to create laws
b) to enforce laws
c) to determine if laws are Constitutional
d) to support their political parties

What is the Constitution?
a) Supreme law of the land
b) A letter to the king of England outlining the reasons the colonies wanted to separate
c) the name of the new American government
d) a document written by the king explaining all the new taxes to be paid

What are reserved powers?
a) Powers reserved for the state
b) Powers given to the Federal government by the Constitution
c) Powers shared by the federal and state governments
d) Powers that are forbidden by the Constitution

What are implied powers?
a) Powers given to the state governments
b) Powers given to the federal government
c) Powers that are forbidden by the Constitution that neither the state nor the federal government may have.
d) Powers that are necessary and proper for the federal government to do their jobs but aren't written in the Constitution

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