Grade 7 ENG Vocabulary Review For Test Friday 12-9 Question Preview (ID: 60655)

Grade 7 ENG Vocabulary Review For Test Friday 12/9. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

This is an adverb about not being too proud or thinking you are better than others
a) humbly
b) bitterly
c) witty

If you lost a game, you might have a strong feeling of anger because it was disappointing
a) condemn
b) bitterness
c) humble

A feeing of liking or respect for someone is
a) mock
b) obscurity
c) admiration

Which word is the verb for felling of liking or respect for someone?
a) admire
b) mock
c) bitter

Which word means to say something is bad and unacceptable or to give someone punishment
a) condemn
b) admiration
c) obscurity

The word that means saying something funny about or imitating someone to show you think they're foolish or inferior
a) humble
b) bittter
c) mock

Choose the word that means not being too proud or thinking you're better than others
a) witty
b) humble
c) mock

Which word means a strong feeling of anger about something that was very disappointing, or something that is unfair
a) bitter
b) admiration
c) obscurity

Which word means not being known or noticed by many people?
a) obscurity
b) condemn
c) admiration

Choose the word that means saying something in an amusing or clever way
a) mock
b) humble
c) witty

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