Quiz 11: It Takes 2 Question Preview (ID: 60650)

Bi, Du, Ambi/amphi. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

a) two
b) both

a) both
b) two

happening twice a year
a) dual
b) bicycle
c) duet
d) biannual

having or showing very different feelings about someone or something at the same time
a) amphibious
b) ambidextrous
c) ambivalent
d) ambiguous

a piece of music that is performed by two singers or musicians
a) duplex
b) biannual
c) duet
d) bilingual

having two different parts, uses, etc.; having two of something
a) dual
b) bicycle
c) duet
d) biannual

able to function or live both on land and water
a) amphibious
b) ambiguous
c) ambidextrous
d) ambivalent

able to speak and understand two languages
a) ambivalent
b) biannual
c) duplex
d) bilingual

able to use both hands equally well
a) ambivalent
b) ambidextrous
c) ambiguous
d) amphibious

a vehicle with two wheels that a person rides by pushing on foot pedals
a) duet
b) bilingual
c) dual
d) bicycle

a building that is divided into two separate homes
a) dual
b) duplex
c) duet
d) biannual

able to understand in more than one way; having more than one possible meaning
a) ambiguous
b) amphibious
c) ambivalent
d) ambidextrous

a) both
b) two

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