U.S. History - Unit 6 (SSUSH12c) Question Preview (ID: 60642)

The Plains Indians. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

In 1868, the U.S. government and the Plains Indians signed...
a) the Fort Laramie Treaty
b) the Homestead Act
c) the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
d) ####

In the Fort Laramie Treaty, the Plains Indians received:
a) the Black Hills
b) the Utah Territory
c) the Oklahoma Territory
d) San Francisco and Oakland

What caused many settlers to invade the Black Hills by 1875?
a) the discovery of gold
b) the discovery of oil
c) the discovery of coal
d) the discovery of silver

The winner of the Battle of Little Bighorn was:
a) the Plains Indians
b) the U.S. Army
c) forces from Canada
d) the state legislature of California

In order to win the Great Sioux War of 1876-1877, the U.S. Army began wiping out:
a) the buffaloes
b) the black bears
c) farmlands in the Great Plains
d) farmlands in Texas

At the end of the Great Sioux War of 1876-1877, many Sioux Indians...
a) escaped to Canada
b) escaped to Mexico
c) found jobs in industrial centers
d) hid in the American South

Who was a notable leader of the Plains Indians?
a) Sitting Bull
b) Squanto
c) Sacagawea
d) Sequoyah

At Wounded Knee:
a) 300 Plains Indians were killed
b) the U.S. Army suffered great losses
c) the Transcontinental Railroad was completed
d) ####

What was the last major battle between the Plains Indians and the U.S. Army?
a) Wounded Knee
b) the Battle of Little Bighorn
c) the Battle of Powder River
d) the Battle of Wolf Mountain

When Sitting Bull returned to the U.S. from Canada:
a) he lived on a reservation
b) he was arrested by the U.S. Army
c) he joined the U.S. military
d) ####

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