Education 210 Exam Prep Question Preview (ID: 60637)

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Why is wait time used?
a) Allow teachers to compose themselves throughout the day.
b) Give each student a fair amount of time to recall information to participate.
c) Encourage children who are not following direction to make good choices.
d) No Child Left Behind.

Which gender is identified as having a higher likelihood of learning disability?
a) Girls to Boys 3:1.
b) Boys are always more likely.
c) Girls are always more likely.
d) Boys to Girls 3:1.

Which is not a Reading Difficulty?
a) Dyslexia
b) Dysgraphia
c) Fluency
d) Dyscalculia

Parents often feel badly about experiencing this emotion, but it is very typical of a parent to an exceptional child:
a) Joy
b) Terror
c) Guilt
d) Proud

Postnatal is during
a) after birth.
b) the entire pregnancy.
c) the third trimester.
d) conception.

Rosa's Law
a) changed the language from learning disability to mental retardation.
b) changed the language from mental retardation to intellectual disability.
c) changed the language from mental retardation to exceptional child.
d) changed the language from special education to exceptional child.

Early Intervention is:
a) a program parents pay for so their children ages 0-21 receive therapy.
b) a free program for children ages 0-21 to receive therapy.
c) a program parents pay for so their children ages 0-5 receive therapy.
d) a free program for children ages 0-5 receive therapy.

Which is not an example of an accommodation?
a) Allowing extra time for assignments.
b) Changing the way material is delivered.
c) Excusing a student from an assignment.
d) Moving a student closer to the front of the class.

Have children with disabilities always have educational rights?
a) No, it was not until 1990 when IDEA was created that students had rights.
b) Yes, exceptional children have always been valued in our society.
c) No, but in 1880 students were provided rights.
d) Yes, exceptional children have always had rights, even if they were not equitable to all students rights.

Children who have a learning disability have a higher risk of:
a) lonliness.
b) easy academic learning.
c) overjoyed parents.
d) understanding others social cues.

Direct Instruction helps students understand their assignment. How does this work?
a) Review previous content, Independently Complete Activity, Classroom Completes Activity, Model Activity.
b) Review Previous Content, Model Activity, Class Completes Activity, Independently Complete
c) Direct Instruction is one on one instruction between teacher and student.
d) Direct Instruction is one on one instruction between student and student.

All of these are behavioral characteristics of ADHD except:
a) daydreaming
b) struggle to follow instruction
c) struggle to be quiet
d) focuses when being spoken to

Momentary Time Sampling?
a) Tracking a child's behavior throughout a period of time to help understand the strength's and need's of the student.
b) Looking at one specific time to assess what did not work for the child and how to accommodate.
c) A refusal to look at behaviors over a period of time and focusing on the present.
d) A way to assess how teachers change their teaching styles and how this benefits classrooms.

Which is not a suspected causation for Learning Disabilities?
a) Mother drug and alcohol use during pregnancy.
b) A child being around someone with a Learning Disability.
c) A child's predisposed genetics
d) Later medical trauma or illness.

Why is it important to include parents through the IEP process?
a) Parents could sue the school if thy are unhappy with services.
b) Parents need to sign paperwork.
c) Parents know their child best and spend the most amount of time with the child.
d) Students do not listen to teachers and need to listen to their parents.

Order of the TIERS approach for Response to Intervention (RTI).
a) Intensive Services, Supplemental Support, General Classroom
b) General Classroom, Intensive Services, Supplemental Support
c) General Classroom, Supplemental Services, Intensive Services
d) RTI is a research observation, there are not specific steps.

What is the difference between Externalizing Behaviors and Internalizing Behaviors?
a) External= Actions- fighting, stealing, cursing ; Internal=Thoughts and Feelings- depression, anxiety, unloved, overwhelmed
b) External=Thoughts and Feelings- depression, anxiety, unloved, overwhelmed ; Internal= Actions- fighting, stealing, cursing
c) External=Physical Abilities- Jumping, Clapping, Running ; Internal=Mental Abilities- Math, Cognitive Skills, Problem Solving
d) External=Mental Abilities- Math, Cognitive Skills, Problem Solving ; Internal=Physical Abilities- Jumping, Clapping, Running

Is it ideal for a student to be anti-social or pro-social?
a) Anti-social: as they will disturb the class less.
b) Pro-Social: as they are more likely to keep to themselves.
c) Anti-social: as they are described as friendly and kind.
d) Pro-Social: as they are described as friendly and kind.

Which is not a federal characteristic of Emotional or Behavioral Disorders?
a) An inability to learn or reach full potential.
b) An inability to learn, but not a specific intellectual, sensory, or health issue.
c) An inability to create relationships with peers and teachers.
d) Inappropriate behavior or feelings under normal circumstances.

Gifted Students are likely to have:
a) no problems throughout school.
b) a coexisting disbaility.
c) the best parents.
d) exceptional grades.

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