Minerals Question Preview (ID: 60623)

Minerals. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

A solid in which the atoms are arranged in an orderly, repeating, 3 dimensional pattern are called ______
a) Mineral
b) Crystal sturucture
c) Rock
d) x

A mineral that splits along flat, smooth surfaces is called ___________
a) Fracture
b) Luster
c) Streak
d) Cleavage

What are the 2 categories of luster?
a) metallic, non metallic
b) intrusive, extrusive
c) foliated, nonfoliated
d) x

A mineral breaks along an irregular surface is called ______________________
a) Cleavage
b) Streak
c) fracture
d) Crystal structure

What is used to rank minerals from softest to hardest?
a) Nominal Scale of Measurement
b) Mohs Scale of Mineral Hardness
c) Metric Scale of Measurements
d) x

The color of a mineral in powder form is ____________________
a) Luster
b) Color
c) Streak
d) Luster

How are minerals different from rocks?
a) Minerals are made of a single element whereas rocks are made of many elements
b) Rocks have a definite chemical composition whereas minerals can be a mixture of many different types of rocks
c) Minerals have a definite chemical composition whereas rocks can be a mixture of many different types of minerals
d) Minerals are many different colors whereas rocks are all one color

The ability of a mineral to resist scratching is ____________________
a) Luster
b) Hardness
c) Streak
d) Cleavage

The appearance of a mineral due to the absorption and reflection of certain light rays is _____________
a) Color
b) Hardness
c) Streak
d) Luster

When a mineral breaks along a flat surface we call that _______________.
a) Metallic
b) Fracture
c) Luster
d) Cleavage

TRUE or FALSE : Color is a good way to identify minerals since most minerals are made in only one color
a) True
b) False
c) x
d) x

A mineral that is harder than a streak plate will have a ___________ streak.
a) colorless
b) black
c) white
d) green

How can you test a mineral for hardness?
a) By dragging the sample along a plate and examining the powder left behind
b) By breaking the mineral and seeing how it chips
c) By looking at it under a microscope
d) By scratching it with other objects and recording what can scratch it and what can't

A solid, inorganic substance that occurs naturally is called ________________
a) Rock
b) Crystal
c) Mineral
d) x

The way in which a mineral reflects light is ___________________
a) Hardness
b) Streak
c) Luster
d) Fracture

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