Atoms Ions Or Isotopes 2 Question Preview (ID: 60546)

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(P12 E 11N11) (P12 E 13 N11)
a) 2 anions
b) 2 cations
c) 2 atoms
d) 1 cation 1 anion

(P12 E 11 N11) (P12 E13 N11)
a) 2 ions of Neon
b) 2 atoms of magnesium
c) 2 atoms of Neon
d) 2 ions of magnesium

( P7 E7 N8 ) (P7 E7 N9)
a) A pair of Boron ions
b) A pair of Boron Isotopes
c) A pair of Nitrogen isotopes
d) a pair of Nitrogen ions

( P 1 E1 N1) ( P1 E1 N1)
a) a pair of Hydrogen atoms
b) a pair of Hydrogen ions
c) a pair of Hydrogen isotopes

If You take an electron away from an atom it will turn into a
a) anion
b) cation
c) isotope
d) stay an atom

If you add an electron to an atom it will turn into a
a) cation
b) anion
c) isotope
d) stay an atom

If you add a proton to an atom it will turn it into a different element.
a) True
b) False

If you take a proton away from a Neon atom it will turn into a
a) isotope
b) a Flourine ion
c) stay an atom

What are the electrons doing in an atom?
a) Staying in one spot
b) spinning around the nucleus.

Ions will always have the same number of protons and electrons.
a) True
b) False

Ions always have a charge.
a) True
b) false

Which do not have a charge?
a) Atoms and neutrons
b) neutrons and protons
c) ions and neutrons
d) protons and electrons

Which have a negative charge
a) electrons and cations
b) atoms and electrons
c) electrons and anions
d) atom and protons

Which have a positive charge?
a) electrons and atoms
b) atoms and protons
c) protons and anions
d) protons and cations

Which one has the most protons?
a) atom of Boron
b) atom of neon
c) atom of Hydrogen
d) atom of Lithium

Which two must be equal in an atom?
a) proton and neutron
b) neutron and electron
c) proton and electron

The chemical symbol for Carbon is
a) H
b) C
c) Ne
d) Be

The symbol for Neon is
a) H
b) NE
c) Ne
d) C

The atomic mass of Boron is
a) 12.01
b) 1.007
c) 5
d) 10

Fe is the chemical symbol for
a) Furry things
b) Iron
c) Nickel
d) Ferrets

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