Vocabulary Review Question Preview (ID: 60545)

This Is To Help You Review The Words That We Have Learned Thus Far. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

The purpose of skimming is to gain...
a) dislikes.
b) suspense.
c) opinions.
d) insight.

The three types of author's purpose are:
a) to persuade, inform, and entertain (P.I.E.)
b) to question, express, and address (Q.E.A.)
c) to react, interact, and demonstrate (R.I.D)
d) to point out, illustrate, and exaggerate (P.I.E.)

A literal question's answer can be found...
a) by only thinking of it.
b) by guessing.
c) in the reading.
d) in the calculation.

What could indicate a character had an epiphany?
a) Aha!
b) oh no!
c) Could this be?
d) Okay.

Dejected means...
a) to feel inspirational.
b) to feel moody.
c) to feel happy
d) to feel sad.

What is an opinion?
a) Something that is known to be true?
b) Something that is only false?
c) Something that is believed to be true.
d) Something that can be true or false.

What is the definition of cartography?
a) The science and art of creating roads.
b) The art and science of creating maps.
c) The art and science of creating sidewalks.
d) The art and science of creating crosswalks.

Literal is a
a) German word.
b) French word.
c) Greek word.
d) Latin word.

Expository is.....
a) a complete explanation on how to do something.
b) a coma complete explanation on how to undo something.
c) a complete explanation on how cars work.
d) a complete explanation on how to draw.

The author's purpose is...
a) the reason the artist drew.
b) the reason why we read their work.
c) the reason the author created something.
d) the reason the cartography created the map.

Expository is a....
a) Greek word.
b) German word.
c) French word.
d) Latin word.

Literal means
a) to a letter.
b) to the letter.
c) not exactly.
d) figurative language.

True or False? Inference means to pull what you know about something else about another thing.
a) False
b) True

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