Iraqi Wars (2022) Question Preview (ID: 60539)

The Is A Quiz About The Wars In Iraq. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Unfortunately there is still fighting today in Iraq. What two groups are fighting for control of Iraq?
a) Jews and Muslims
b) Christians and Jews
c) Sunni and Shia Muslims
d) Christians and Muslims

After Desert Storm, Saddam Hussein was thought to be building what?
a) Weapons of mass destruction (Nuclear Weapons)
b) New cars
c) New palaces
d) Nothing

After spending a few months on the run, this Iraq dictator was captured in a hole.
a) Saddam Hussain
b) Fidel Castro
c) Osama din Laden
d) Adolf Hitler

What year did Operation Desert Storm end?
a) 1991
b) 1871
c) 1981
d) 1961

Who told Iraqi soldiers to set Kuwait's oil fields on fire?
a) Saddam Hussein
b) Adolf Hitler
c) Osama Bin Laden
d) Fidel Castro

How many weeks did it take to free Kuwait from it's attackers, Iraq?
a) 1 week
b) 6 weeks
c) 23 weeks
d) 64 weeks

Before Iraq withdrew from Kuwait, what did Iraqi soldiers do?
a) Set Kuwait's oil fields on fire
b) Steal all of Kuwait's oil
c) Capture Kuwait's leader
d) Nothing, they left peacefully

When did Operation Desert Storm start?
a) 1961
b) 1971
c) 1981
d) 1991

Why was the US concerned about Iraq's attack on Kuwait?
a) Oil
b) Gold
c) Copper
d) Coal

What was the name of the mission to free Kuwait from its attacker, Iraq?
a) Afghanistan War
b) Operation Desert Storm
c) Operation Iraqi Freedom
d) Operation Kuwait Storm

What country was an ally of Kuwait and helped them fight off Iraq?
a) Iran
b) Cuba
c) United States
d) Brazil

Who was Iraq's dictator in the 1990's?
a) Osama Bin Laden
b) Adolf Hitler
c) Saddam Hussein
d) Fidel Castro

What country invaded Kuwait in 1990?
a) Iran
b) Iraq
c) Afghanistan
d) Syria

What country was Iraq jealous with because of their access to the Persian Gulf and their oil?
a) Westerville
b) Brazil
c) Canada
d) Kuwait

What body of water did Iraq loose access to when Kuwait was created?
a) Persian Gulf
b) Arabian Sea
c) Red Sea
d) Wester Bay

What natural resource does the US want to safeguard in the Middle East?
a) coal
b) Copper
c) Iron
d) Oil

What year was Sadden Hussein captured?
a) 2001
b) 2002
c) 2003
d) 2004

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